Showing posts with label Red Hat Sisters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Red Hat Sisters. Show all posts

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas with my Red Hat Sisters!

First of all......

Happy New Year to Everyone!
Whew! I got that over!  NO, I'm not going to talk about my plans for 2013, nor about New Year's Resolutions. 

I promised my Red Hat sisters that I would blog and share about our Christmas have to keep my promise to them.

Our Chapter of The Red Hat Society is called Rubies and Garnets and is one of the first chapters formed in San Antonio, Texas.  I've been a member for many years.

We meet on a monthly basis and go to different restaurants in and around the San Antonio, Texas area.  We are a noisy bunch...laughing, and talking so much that when it's time for our Queen to make some announcements or for a prize drawing...there's a china bell one of her helpers rings to quiet us down.....(ahem!)...politely.   

We have been going to the Fair Oaks Ranch Country Club for our Christmas celebration for several years now and boy oh they ever deck this place out for Christmas!  Everywhere you go there's Christmas trees, poinsettias, garlands, displays.

This is one of the many entryways and it leads to our banquet room.

One of the many displays!

Another Display.

One of the many Christmas trees ...each one decorated differently.

The tables in our banquet room.

The Chandelier in our "party" room.

All decked out in our Red & Purple...waiting for everyone to arrive!

The table and Red Hat sisters where I sat.

All of these Red Hat sisters belong to our Quilt Bee too!  There were several of our "group" that couldn't make it this year...waaaa!  (that's me on the RH side)

Okay...I've fulfilled my promise to them......

Time for other things; like sewing, quilting, & giveaways.....stay tuned!  Be sure to subscribe to my blog (RH sidebar) 'cause I promise some fun things and wonderful surprises this year........AND..... I always keep my promises.

Thanks for visiting!