2012 in review

I started this blog one year ago today. I figure I might as well sum up the past year. While I feel 2012 was a bad year for me in general, it was a good year for my crafting.

These were my resolutions for last year:
1. Lose another 10 lbs.
2. Finish at least one cross-stitch project that I have in my stash.
3. Organize my craft closet.

While I didn't complete #1, I did lose a few pounds. They all came off the first two weeks in December while I did nothing but work on my crafts in my bed while watching Murder She Wrote via Netflix. Go figure.

As for #2, I exceeded this goal by finishing five cross-stitch pieces. Granted three of them were acquired after I made that resolution and weren't in my stash... I really outdid myself if you count all the scarves I made.

I did complete #3, everything was nicely organized and put away. Then I got more yarn and it got messy again. Oh well.

As for my blog, I got over 7,500 views. My most popular posts were my opinions on Dancing with the Stars but that doesn't surprise me. More people are interested in the show than my craft projects or my own dancing.

I completed two latin dresses, got lots of new stash to keep me busy for a long time, and started an etsy site to sell some of the things I make. I got a new job, hated it, and got let go all within a year. I made up my mind to change careers, applied for a masters program, and will be starting in the spring semester. I also won NaNoWriMo for the 3rd year in a row.

I'm certain 2013 will be a better year for me than 2012. Now all I need is a part-time job so I can continue dancing. Although I will have the time to dance more and make my dresses, I won't have the money to do so.

So next year's resolutions/goals are:
  1. Find a part-time job.
  2. Complete a UFO in my stash (or complete at least 4 pages of a BAP).
  3. Lose five more pounds.
  4. Complete my Masters with a 3.5 GPA.
  5. Get an internship.
  6. Rip my CD collection to my computer.
  7. Write another story.
  8. Attempt Script Frenzy in April (coincides with one of my classes)
Some are doable, some maybe not so much.

I wish all my readers a Happy New Year.


  1. Fingers crossed you meet all your goals in 2013 and it's a better year for you!


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