
Showing posts with the label season 29

DWTS Season 29: Week 5

Justina. It was fun. But I felt like she was holding back with the lines. Bit high. Jesse. That was not good. He was leaning forward in hold. Also not the right song for a tango. Too high. Chrishell. Barely any cha cha. Pigeon toed. Knees were bent. Not good. Too high. Jeannie. Cute. The transitions into and out of the lifts at the end were a little rough. I'll give her the scores, but high. Monica. Her frame wasn't good and Val pulled her through the dance. She felt too loose for a tango. Way too high. AJ. Wasn't very smooth. Appropriate for a prom dance. If they were teenagers. Bit high. Skai. It was fun. She's easy to lift. I'll give her the scores. Vernon. Best part was Peta's outfit. He was heavy on his feet, his butt was sticking out. Not good. Too high. Kaitlyn. Took a while to get into the tango part. Best tango of the night but kind of one note. I'll give her the scores. But too high.  Nelly. Samba is rarely danced well on this show, especially by t...

DWTS Season 29: Week 4

The opening was stupid. And Tyra's dress is not flattering. Nelly. I didn't realize you could bounce through the paso doble. No shape, flat footed, posture was so wrong. Too high. Chrishell. That song is not a foxtrot. Hustle or slow cha cha. She really didn't do much. Too high. Monica. No bounce. No hips. Way too high. Anne. She was unsteady on her feet at the beginning. Not sure if the outfit restricted some of her movements. Too high. Nev. Points for doing a basic rumba and attempting the hips. But his knees were bent the entire time. I'll give him the scores. Justina. She was working the fringe. Footwork was a bit messy. I'll give her the scores. Oh that dress is worse than the first one.  Kaitlyn. Pretty. Needed to be closer in hold. I'll give her the scores. Johnny. Fun, but a bit wild and messy. Little high. Jeannie. They actually had contact at the hips. Sharp-ish, but messy at the end. Frame was a little wonky at times. I'll give her the scores. Ver...

DWTS Season 29: Week 3

Disney night. they borrowed one of the snails from the electric light parade. It was better dressed than Tyra. Skai. Didn't connect with it. Didn't bring her knees up a lot and the footwork wasn't great. Bit high. Monica. Pretty, but too upright in hold. A little hiccupy in the rise and fall. I'll give her the scores. Justina. Cute. Fun. Little low energetic for a Charleston. I'll give her the scores. AJ. He looked a little forward in hold. And a lot of hopping in that routine. I'll give him the scores. Anne. Meh. Less hoppy than AJ's. She lost the choreography. Too high. Jeannie. Simple elegant, cute playing on the old characters. Her best dance so far. I'll give her the scores. Nelly. Not much foxtrot. Bit slow. A little off in matching Daniella with rise and fall. Bit high, but i'll give him the scores. Carole. Poor Pasha. I agree with the scores. Kaitlyn. Not a lot of hips. Nice lines, but Artem pulled her through some parts. Little high. Vernon....

DWTS Season 29: Week 2

Nev. Not as awkward as it could have been. Still needs to work on his feet, straightening his legs and using his hips. I'll give him the scores, but maybe a bit high. Skai. Ignoring the flub on the trick, it wasn't that good. Samba by numbers and hoppy. I agree with the scores. Johnny. That was all over the place. Posture wasn't good and they got out of time with each other. Bit high. Justina. Frame needs fixing felt a little start and stop rather than flowing. I'll give her the scores. Monica. Uh, where was the jive? Too high. AJ. The costumes were distracting. A bit staccato for a foxtrot. I'll give him the scores. Anne. Seemed slow for the music. She was too upright in hold. I'll give her the scores. Nelly. Um, can he move his hips at all? He was stompy. Too high. Chrishell. She didn't do anything. What were the judges looking at? Too high. Charles. Uh. Not good. Too high. Jesse. Not too bad, butt was sticking out. I agree with the scores. Jeannie. Where ...

DWTS Season 29: Week 1

Wasn't sure I was going to watch. This season is going to be odd between Covid, the new host, and Bruno's silver hair... AJ McLean & Cheryl. I'm a BSB girl. He lost his balance on the landing. Not bad otherwise but he needed to point his toes more during the kicks and flicks. Kind of safe. I'll give him the scores. Chrishell Stause & Gleb. I don't know who she is. Very careful, very on her toes, no bent knees. Just bad. I don't think I saw a heel lead. I agree with the 4s. Vernon Davis & Peta. Bad song. He's bending forward in hold and there was no hip connection. Not sure what the judges saw. Too high. Anne Heche & Keo. She tried, but very careful. Not a lot of hips. I'll give her the scores. Jeannie Mai & Brandon. Bad song. Where were her hips? She was all over the place. Too high. Jesse Metcalfe & Sharna. It was ok. Not great. Maybe a bit high with the scores. Skai Jackson & Alan. Never saw her in anything. Really staccato ...