
Showing posts with the label nanowrimo

Poking my head out of the sand.

So, I have been working on something. Just a bit. Page 3 of Dragon Dancer. I'm rather entrenched in NaNoWriMo this year. With nothing else to do and an expansion of my 2017 novel, I'm just under 78,000 words at the moment. That is the most I've ever written on one story. And it's not done. Even if I finish the first draft by the end of the month, I'm not entirely certain this won't be split into two books as I add scenes and descriptions I've skipped during this draft.  I know I'm not reaching one of my beginning of the year goals of publishing. The story I thought I could do that with became a bit difficult with Covid and the fact that the beginning period was supposed to be taking place this year. I'll hold off on it. Maybe another time. Or turn it into a screenplay. It might work better if I don't have to fill in every detail of the late 1950s. I can let set design and costuming take care of that.

Page finish

Finished page 3, was really having trouble getting through the last 10 rows. Some new stash. Still waiting on something I ordered before this. It may be lost. :( I'm going to participate in Camp NaNoWriMo's July session. Going to take a first pass at a Leverage script and a romance novel that popped into my head while trying to figure out the script. Wish me luck. Novel will only have a 25,000 word goal. And some cute pictures of Clyde.


And the knit afghan is complete. Despite having to frog the border twice and losing 2 days of work in the process. Eventually I just started to sew it to the edge, then continued knitting it when I realized I needed more. Will be delivered to the recipient soon. And I made another 'Yes, Yes' shawl. Made with Unforgettable in Polo. Will make another one in Winery shortly. Have written over 40 thousand words so far for NaNoWriMo. Clearly, my daily word count became much more consistent after the end of my job. By the time many of you read this blog, the Lilla Rose black Friday sale will be on. Lovely hair accessories and the flexi clips can double as shawl pins. Please visit here: For dealing with my sales pitch, here's Clyde deciding to give me some entertainment during dinner.

More crafting time

So I'm officially unemployed. More time to craft though, but not much money to buy things. So, for the time being it's a Stitch From Stash challenge. Finally finished the main part of this afghan. Working on the border which will be sewn to the body and then crocheted around. Yay for being bi-craftual. Took a few kits out of this closet and moved them to my parents. Didn't make too much of a dent... I caught up with NaNoWriMo this week. Haven't written yet today, but I will get to that after posting. These were ordered before my stash diet. Yarn from HAED. A perk of my free time, in addition to craft time, more opportunity to see Clyde.

Back to knitting

Finally back to working on this afghan. I'm almost done with the 3rd repeat. One more after that than making the border, which ends up being knit, then sewn on, and finally crocheted. Saw Clyde, he wasn't happy about the flash. And in NaNoWriMo news, I used up my extra words on Tuesday because election night coverage was insane. I was utterly exhausted and never quite recovered the rest of the week which made my word count miserable Thursday and Friday. Almost caught up this weekend. I like the graphs they're giving us but I don't see the little widget I used to post. Probably bought a few things I didn't need to giving the end of my current job on Friday (yay for unemployment?). Like the HAED Christmas Addicts packet. And took part in the Lilla Rose Stylists Black Friday. Want to check out my Facebook page ? I might try for a live video to show what I got.

Poinsettia afghan

My start and finish for the week (other than a Christmas present that I'll show later) I'm glad it showed up against my red couch. And I won NaNoWriMo again! 50,840 words was my final total. Feel free to read it here:


I finished things this week. First was my scarf, which I made way too long. It comes down to my knees when not doubled over. I did more on the dragon and finished all the purple backstitch. And I finished my tree skirt. Working on a scarf for my boyfriend for Christmas. I also got caught up with my word count for NaNoWriMo. And I tried to be good with all the Black Friday sales but I failed. Got more floss for HAED patterns and also got these from ABC Stitch. Oops.