Almost got through the first page. I would've kept going with this piece but my left index finger was protesting. The last knuckle is somewhat double jointed and I may have strained it gripping the needle to pull 6/12 strands of floss through the holes on this really stiff aida. so, back to the dice. I managed 20 diamonds for this 'ozark star mandala afhgan' pattern. But constantly repeating 3 rounds was boring. So the dice brought me to my linen closet stash and this came out, an ebay purchase of an old kit. It's billed as counted cross stitch but... Wish me luck. Contains bullions, french knots, lasy daisies, and smyrna crosses. And I know I said no stash, but I had a hard week dealing with my health insurance company and needed a present. So I bought yarn. It should arrive sometime this week. At least I have a project in mind for every skein?