I've had a bad week.
This week has been pretty cruddy to me. It started off with me having to find a new job. My LinkedIn profile if anyone is interested. I also had to say goodbye to Onyx. She suddenly went downhill starting on Wednesday. I had her for 12 years and I miss her. As for crafting, I started to get bored with Insanity. Switched over to an afghan I had started a while ago that I found tucked away in my closet (of doom) And have pulled out TW's Romeo and Juliette. Which I don't think I've worked on since I started this blog. I did end up going on a tiny bit of a stash spending spree just because I was miserable. Got the last peacocks and also bought some yarn. I had to order yarn anyway because I'm making an afghan as a wedding present. I leave you with a few of my favorite pictures of my Onyx.