
Showing posts with the label Onyx

I've had a bad week.

This week has been pretty cruddy to me. It started off with me having to find a new job. My  LinkedIn profile  if anyone is interested. I also had to say goodbye to Onyx. She suddenly went downhill starting on Wednesday. I had her for 12 years and I miss her. As for crafting, I started to get bored with Insanity. Switched over to an afghan I had started a while ago that I found tucked away in my closet (of doom) And have pulled out TW's Romeo and Juliette. Which I don't think I've worked on since I started this blog. I did end up going on a tiny bit of a stash spending spree just because I was miserable. Got the last peacocks and also bought some yarn. I had to order yarn anyway because I'm making an afghan as a wedding present. I leave you with a few of my favorite pictures of my Onyx.

Still Insane

So I'm slightly more than halfway through the page. In another 10 rows I'll have some blue. I was getting annoyed with the extra fabric so I decided to roll it from the bottom. Of course that required me to unfold the entire piece of fabric. I forgot how big this was. I think I ordered 55x55? I fell prey to the HAED sale... The last two are Maxine Gadd who's work is retiring. And a cute photo of Onyx from today. She once fell through those bars and has since learned to brace herself with her back feet. She also spent the next month after falling, hugging the back wall whenever she came into or out of my room.

Finish, and it's back.

I finished the circle afghan. Only took 13.5 hours. Go me. And look what I pulled out. Insanity is back. And just for fun, a bonus picture of Onyx.

I have a square

 I officially have 80 x 80 stitches done. And you can see the top of the castle-like structure in the background. And of course I had to include a photo of Onyx. She's kind of mad at me because I cut her claws. And I won't let her out. It's cold and there's snow on the porch. Plus she wouldn't stay outside long anyway even if I did open the door. She just thinks she wants to go out.

Plugging along

49 rows done. It's transitioning to a different color set so it's taking a bit more time. Cutting off the purples, adding the grays And I thought I'd give you some photos of Onyx my mom sent me. She likes box tops over actual boxes.

Halfway through challenge #4

Row 49/98 on the page. I also saw Onyx this weekend. So I got some kitty time. Still gets unsure whether to be mad at me or be happy that I'm there. She ends up sleeping on my pillow after I leave.


I've finished the 14th page. One more mostly full page then the sliver that is the 16th. I've bought some more stash. I seem to have caught the small window where the sale that ended on the 5th was still active and the coupon for 25% off had just started. Additionally, my countertops and sink are still not installed. So you all get a picture of Onyx as I'm still with my parents. Isn't she cute? And I'm participating in NaNoWriMo once again.

Missing thread

I seem to have run out of two colors. I have more of them, but they're all at my apartment. Somewhere. I bought stash this week. I stayed away from Herrschners sale, but I got some of the ones I was looking at on better sale from 123 stitch. My cute, festive, kitty.

Almost 11

Finally made a Saturday post! Also almost done with the page. And here's a few photos of Onyx. I have an odd cat.