
Showing posts with the label DWTS

DWTS Season 29: Week 5

Justina. It was fun. But I felt like she was holding back with the lines. Bit high. Jesse. That was not good. He was leaning forward in hold. Also not the right song for a tango. Too high. Chrishell. Barely any cha cha. Pigeon toed. Knees were bent. Not good. Too high. Jeannie. Cute. The transitions into and out of the lifts at the end were a little rough. I'll give her the scores, but high. Monica. Her frame wasn't good and Val pulled her through the dance. She felt too loose for a tango. Way too high. AJ. Wasn't very smooth. Appropriate for a prom dance. If they were teenagers. Bit high. Skai. It was fun. She's easy to lift. I'll give her the scores. Vernon. Best part was Peta's outfit. He was heavy on his feet, his butt was sticking out. Not good. Too high. Kaitlyn. Took a while to get into the tango part. Best tango of the night but kind of one note. I'll give her the scores. But too high.  Nelly. Samba is rarely danced well on this show, especially by t...

DWTS Season 29: Week 4

The opening was stupid. And Tyra's dress is not flattering. Nelly. I didn't realize you could bounce through the paso doble. No shape, flat footed, posture was so wrong. Too high. Chrishell. That song is not a foxtrot. Hustle or slow cha cha. She really didn't do much. Too high. Monica. No bounce. No hips. Way too high. Anne. She was unsteady on her feet at the beginning. Not sure if the outfit restricted some of her movements. Too high. Nev. Points for doing a basic rumba and attempting the hips. But his knees were bent the entire time. I'll give him the scores. Justina. She was working the fringe. Footwork was a bit messy. I'll give her the scores. Oh that dress is worse than the first one.  Kaitlyn. Pretty. Needed to be closer in hold. I'll give her the scores. Johnny. Fun, but a bit wild and messy. Little high. Jeannie. They actually had contact at the hips. Sharp-ish, but messy at the end. Frame was a little wonky at times. I'll give her the scores. Ver...

DWTS Season 29: Week 3

Disney night. they borrowed one of the snails from the electric light parade. It was better dressed than Tyra. Skai. Didn't connect with it. Didn't bring her knees up a lot and the footwork wasn't great. Bit high. Monica. Pretty, but too upright in hold. A little hiccupy in the rise and fall. I'll give her the scores. Justina. Cute. Fun. Little low energetic for a Charleston. I'll give her the scores. AJ. He looked a little forward in hold. And a lot of hopping in that routine. I'll give him the scores. Anne. Meh. Less hoppy than AJ's. She lost the choreography. Too high. Jeannie. Simple elegant, cute playing on the old characters. Her best dance so far. I'll give her the scores. Nelly. Not much foxtrot. Bit slow. A little off in matching Daniella with rise and fall. Bit high, but i'll give him the scores. Carole. Poor Pasha. I agree with the scores. Kaitlyn. Not a lot of hips. Nice lines, but Artem pulled her through some parts. Little high. Vernon....

DWTS Season 29: Week 2

Nev. Not as awkward as it could have been. Still needs to work on his feet, straightening his legs and using his hips. I'll give him the scores, but maybe a bit high. Skai. Ignoring the flub on the trick, it wasn't that good. Samba by numbers and hoppy. I agree with the scores. Johnny. That was all over the place. Posture wasn't good and they got out of time with each other. Bit high. Justina. Frame needs fixing felt a little start and stop rather than flowing. I'll give her the scores. Monica. Uh, where was the jive? Too high. AJ. The costumes were distracting. A bit staccato for a foxtrot. I'll give him the scores. Anne. Seemed slow for the music. She was too upright in hold. I'll give her the scores. Nelly. Um, can he move his hips at all? He was stompy. Too high. Chrishell. She didn't do anything. What were the judges looking at? Too high. Charles. Uh. Not good. Too high. Jesse. Not too bad, butt was sticking out. I agree with the scores. Jeannie. Where ...

DWTS Season 29: Week 1

Wasn't sure I was going to watch. This season is going to be odd between Covid, the new host, and Bruno's silver hair... AJ McLean & Cheryl. I'm a BSB girl. He lost his balance on the landing. Not bad otherwise but he needed to point his toes more during the kicks and flicks. Kind of safe. I'll give him the scores. Chrishell Stause & Gleb. I don't know who she is. Very careful, very on her toes, no bent knees. Just bad. I don't think I saw a heel lead. I agree with the 4s. Vernon Davis & Peta. Bad song. He's bending forward in hold and there was no hip connection. Not sure what the judges saw. Too high. Anne Heche & Keo. She tried, but very careful. Not a lot of hips. I'll give her the scores. Jeannie Mai & Brandon. Bad song. Where were her hips? She was all over the place. Too high. Jesse Metcalfe & Sharna. It was ok. Not great. Maybe a bit high with the scores. Skai Jackson & Alan. Never saw her in anything. Really staccato ...

DWTS Season 28: Week 11/Finale

Nice opening hustle. Round 1: repeat a favorite dance Ally. She went for it more than the first time. Don't know if it was worth a perfect score, but tonight you really have to screw up not to get that score. Lauren. Very smooth. Nice lines. Huh. They didn't give a perfect score. I agree with the scores. It was good, but not a wow. Kel. Fun routine. More hip hop than jazz. Still don't know if it's 10 worthy. Hannah. Nice easy Viennese waltz. I agree with the scores. Round 2: freestyle round Ally. The lifts were a little awkward in the transitions. Didn't see hips in the salsa section and a bit too much side by side dancing. I'll give her the scores. (Haha. Took imitating Bruno with his jacket on was hilarious.)  Lauren. I enjoyed that. I was smiling. The boys in tight jeans certainly helped. I agree with the scores. (I miss pro dances)  Hannah. The lifts were interesting, but the rest of it fell flat for me. Too high f...

DWTS Season 28: Week 10

Semi finals. Redemption round.  Lauren. Paso Doble retry. Better. Since places looked a little disjointed in the transitions. Also don't know why she was keeping her hands in fists at her hips. Looked odd. I'll give her the scores. Maybe a bit high. Kel. Tango retry. He walked through it rather than stalked. That song is also too happy to be a tango. A little too high. Ally. Viennese waltz retry. Good. One part near the end looked out of place with the amount of rotation. Don't know if I'd give it 10s. Hannah. Rumba retry. While there were more hips, it wasn't the right movement. Too high. James. Cha cha retry. Not his best. A few funky things that I noticed. But this song will always be the pro dance from Maks and Elena, Val and Val. I'll give him the scores. 2nd round. Aka get your tissues ready.  Lauren. It was simple and elegant. I agree with the scores. Kel. The lifts were good. His movement between the lifts was not as i...

DWTS Season 28: Week 9

Girl groups & boy bands. I loved that opening. Girl group round James. So fun. A few technique areas could've been a little cleaner. I'm nitpicking at this point. I agree with the scores. Sean. That was clunky for the parts he did move to. Too high. Hannah. There were no hips on the basics and she didn't have her toes pointed during the lift. A little bit high but i'll give her the scores. Ally. That song was not a samba. There's no bounce which made it hard to actually dance the bounce. Not sure why the judges are praising her technique. I like the outfit. Way too high. Not a perfect score. Lauren. Not bad but she was rather upright in hold. I agree with the 8s. Kel. He was stomping and not stalking. He looked like he had no neck most of the dance. 8s. Maybe.  Boy band round James. He kept up with the pros. I agree with the scores. Not his best dance and it was pretty much the bye bye bye choreography. Hannah. Not b...

DWTS Season 28: Week 8

Interesting opening, ala 90s sitcoms.  Sean. That was so jerky it was hard to watch. And he was the only one not opening his arms up at the beginning. Too high. Lauren. Fun, but she messed up in a few places and her swivels looked weird. Who can't do swivels? I'll give her the scores but maybe 7s. Considerably better than Sean. Kel. More hip hop than salsa. Too staccato for the bit of salsa I did see. No hips. He had more hips in the preview he was doing for the kids. Not a 10. Barely 9. Too high for me.  Ally. Pretty good. A few leg actions looked a little odd from an aesthetic perspective. I'll give her the scores. Hannah. Her frame got progressively more upright as the dance went on. She usually dances on her toes and feels very high, so the Quickstep suited the way she usually dances. I still find her annoying. I'll give her the scores. Kate. While she was having fun, because most of the dance was mirrored, it was real easy to tell when she ...

DWTS Season 28: Week 7

Happy Halloween! That was a fun opening. Kel. Not a lot of jive and the bit I did see wasn't that good. He kept his legs too far apart during the chasses and kind of just jumped. It was fun to watch but for the dance he was supposed to do, not the greatest. Too high. James. Two odd transitions, but I loved it. I agree with the scores. Ally. It didn't draw me in. Maybe it was the music. I don't know. Maybe not 9s. but better then Kel. Hannah. Felt like a dance by numbers. Too high. Karamo. Felt frantic especially at the beginning. His hips were too far back. Too high. Lauren. Not bad. The pauses seemed to drop the energy. Tad high. Sean. He looked like he pranced through the jive. Frankenstein was an appropriate character. Too high.  Kate. Props for an actual rumba, but no hips. I'll give her the scores, but maybe worth 7s. Team dance round!  Team trick. Spooky, interesting choreography, lighting a little dark. I agree with the sco...

DWTS Season 28: Week 6

That opening skit confused me. And we're already halfway through the season? Sheesh. Ally. That song made the Quickstep seem even more frenetic than usual. They seemed off. A bit high. Kate. Really long fleckerl segment, not too long. A little too upright and some accents made it a bit jerky. Not worth 9s. Kel. It was fun to watch. Don't get the polka dots on the costumes. Still don't think it was worth 9s. Karamo. Felt dance by numbers in between the lifts. Too high. Hannah. No hips and she seemed to be on her tiptoes the entire time. The bounce felt staccato. Too high. Sailor. Not bad, but I felt Val pulled her along at times. Kicks and flicks were a little flexed. Not worth 9s. Sean. Very jerky. Too high. James. There were hips! Lost them on occasion but more than I've seen this season in this dance from anyone. I agree with the scores. Lauren. And I was tearing up. I agree with the scores. And bottom two are Sailor and Ally. N...

DWTS Season 28: Week 5

It's Disney night! That opening was fun and sparkly. Sailor. A pretty Viennese waltz. Mostly in shadow position. I agree with the scores. Karamo. Very flat footed and hoppy. I think I saw heel leads. No hips. Didn't quite match the music, which was stretched until being a samba. Too high. Kate. Cute. But a few places she was doing something odd that I can't quite put my finger on. A bit high. Sean. He walked/clomped through that. Too high. Ally. Pretty. He shoes were a bit distracting for me. Not sure how I like the style for that song. I don't know if I'd give it 9s. Lauren. Very jerky, no hips or bounce. Not sure what the judges were looking at. Too high. Note from the little mermaid live commercial. I had no idea shaggy could speak without a heavy Jamaican accent. Kel. Jazz on this show is an excuse to do whatever choreography you feel like. It was fun to watch, but pretty simple. Not worth 9s. Hannah. Pretty foxtrot. Hard to s...

DWTS Season 28: Week 4

Let's see who they bring back for this week, besides Leah. Sean. That song is not a paso. And he was too serious for the song. He walked through it. The flamenco section seemed soft. The 5s were generous.  Ally. Looked somewhat frenetic during the kicks and flicks section. Little high. Maybe 7s. Kel. Not bad. Looked a bit flat foot at times, but there were some hips involved. I'll give him the scores.  Kate. Interesting song choice, felt more cha cha. A few odd lines in her upper body. Not the style I know the best, but a few things didn't really work for me. A bit high. James. May have lost a bit of balance on the bench at the beginning, but that was fun to watch. A few transitions could've been smoother. Maybe a little low, but I agree with the scores.  Hannah. I really don't like that song. One of the better dances of the night. Nothing horrible, but also nothing that made me go wow. I'll give her the scores.  Lamar. Not as stompy ...

DWTS Season 28: Week 3

It's movie night! They enlisted extra dancers for the opening number. Nice homage to Busby Berkeley. Lauren. Decent. The song and the cut of her skirt was distracting to me. Seemed a bit soft. A bit high.  Hannah. Uh what was Alan doing at the Bachelorette party? As for the dance, no hips. Too much spinning. Too high. Karamo. A bit too many bounces at the beginning and then was rather flat footed the rest of the dance. I'll give him the scores. Ally. I saw hips, mostly in side to side movements. Didn't really see the hips in walks, what few there were. Still a little too much spinning. I agree with the scores. BB-8!  Ray. While he's disappointed he had to drop out, Rashad did a much better job with that dance.  James. Pretty, but no hips. Everything else was decent. I agree with the scores. Kate. It was a basic Quickstep. She seemed too careful for the first half in hold. I'll give her the scores, but a bit high.  Lamar. Someh...

DWTS Season 28: Week 2

Let's see how everyone does with a different style. Will it help, will it hurt? James.  Not sure why they showed their tango practice in the package...  Not bad. Needed more hips but his Cuban breaks didn't look as awkward as they could have. A bit too much switching places with spins. A little low given what I think is coming. Sailor. Rumba by the numbers. Too many pauses and the only place I saw hips was the cucarachas. I felt like she walked through most of it. A little high, but I'll give her the scores. Ray. He forgot the beginning. In hold, not horrible. But didn't feel right. Song was not a foxtrot. Too high. Ally. Felt a little staccato when she went into the waltz. When you get going in viennese waltz you just flow. Her head was back, but body contact could've been better. Footwork looked a bit messy when the camera was on them. High for me. Mary. Not good. Forgot the choreography. And what she did remember wasn't done well. Too high...

DWTS Season 28: Week 1

We're back in the ballroom with a gold theme. Cute opening. Although I literally said "oh God" at the outfit Sean Spicer is wearing. Hannah Brown and Alan. A lot of swivels. She was on her toes which took her hips out of the equation. Good thing I don't watch the bachelor/ette, because she's already getting on my nerves. Too high. Kel Mitchell and Whitney. Little flat footed at times, a few missed connections. Odd song choice, not very tango-ish. I'll give him the scores. Kate Flannery and Pasha. She did more steps than Hannah but seemed very careful. Needs more hips. I'll give her the scores. Lamar Odom and Peta. A fox clomp? Slowly walked through the dance. Too high from Carrie Ann. Lauren Alaina and Gleb. Once again, no hips. I did see basic cha cha, but messy feet. That song feels more swing than cha cha. A little high. Sailor Brinkley-Cook and Val. For 3 days, pretty good. Needed to smooth out the movement. I agree with the sco...

DWTS Season 27: Week 9 - Finale

The final night of the season. 2 nights having to be wrapped up into one this year. Most memorable dance is first with some other dances sprinkled in.  Alexis. Really didn't feel like an Argentine tango. And too smiley for both the dance and that song choice. I'll give her the scores.  Bobby. Still really bad. Too high. Ah, sexy girl dance interlude.  I think that dance by Sharna and Artem is the goal for my next relationship, whenever that may be. Joe. I appreciate the shirtless men, but Val marking the cha cha is far better than anyone else in that floor. Evanna. Good body contact. Some kicks seemed to be a bit shortened. I'll give her the scores. And now for the sexy men interlude.  Milo. Still a bit gumby-ish. Kinda works for this dance. I'll give him the scores. Good dancing, even with a few funky camera choices.  Juan Pablo. Singing and dancing, but not at the same time. Nice tone to his voice. Tinashe. Th...

DWTS Season 27: Week 8

Semi finals. Dedication dance round.  Bobby. Awkward movement, not much salsa. His suit is the same color as her hair... Too high. Alexis. Looked and felt like a viennese waltz. It was also danced in one spot instead of traveling. Too high. Joe. Points for the lifts but he barely did anything. Too high. Juan Pablo. Finally a dance with content that was done well. I agree with the scores.  Evanna. I liked it. A little repetitive in the movements at the beginning. I agree with the scores.  Milo. I liked it. Danced well. I agree with the scores. Judges choice round.  Bobby. All over the place and while the kicks and flicks were decent at the beginning, they got wilder as the dance went on. Too high. Alexis. She seemed to run out of steam at the end. A little high. Joe. Well, it was better than week 1... Too high. Juan Pablo. Could've used more hips. Foot placement was a little wiggly at times. I'll give him the scores. ...

DWTS Season 27: Week 7

Country night John. Not sure how that was jazz, but it was fun. Too high. Evanna. No hips. Too much spinning and posing. Her hands were expressive but I'm not really sure what the judges saw. Not 10s. Ah, pretty pro interlude. Juan Pablo. Country Charleston? Odd. He had some trouble with the side flicks. Jeans too tight? Little high. Joe. That just looked awkward. Way too high. Milo. Not bad. A bit fast for a foxtrot. Suit fabric is a bit odd. Little high but i'll give him the scores. Ooh, hot shirtless men.  Demarcus. Pretty good. Very pretty. I'll give him the scores.  Alexis. No hips. Some bounce, but it looked odd. Too high.  Bobby. Posture wasn't good. Seemed rushed and off time the entire dance. Too high.  Team dances.  Team hay now. Cute, fun. I'll give them the scores. Team Joe down. Cute. Could tell how was the weak link of the group. I guess I'll give them the scores. Going home are Demarcus and J...

DWTS Season 27: Week 6

Halloween night. Milo. Appropriately creepy. I agree with the scores. John. Music did not fit the dance. I could see the steps but had issues feeling the paso. Felt too regal in posture. Little high but i'll agree with the scores. Demarcus. Uh, no hips. Best part was the lifts. Not sure what the judges were looking at. Too high.  Evanna. Not bad. I think she could've embraced the character more. Seemed to be cat lite. My mind wandered back to my cha cha routine to that song. A little high. Bobby. Not really Argentine tango. And he seemed to not do much. Cute shoes on Sharna. I prefer the original version of the song. Too high. Mary Lou. Felt a bit one note. Everything was on one beat and little was syncopated. Too high. Ooh, hot shirtless guys dancing. Kinda needed that tonight. Alexis. Seemed a bit like a jive which she did before. Music seemed a bit off time near the end... too high. Joe. Lots of lifts, not much tango. She danced around him...