It has been quite a long time since I posted here, but with trying to get the yard ready for summer, work, and organizing my workshop I have just been to busy to be on the computer for any length of time. Plus you know how it is when the wife gets her fingers moving on the keyboard, she is there forever. Speaking of my dear wife, she has another great giveaway going on at her Nanbon's Corner blog This is for a gift certificate for $ 50.00 at a CSN Store, so you might think about stopping by and entering that contest. Plus she links to other blog giveaways at least weekly and there are some neat things there as well. I can not believe all the things my wife has been winning on the blogs. She gets so excited when she gets one of those emails that says Winner on it, makes her day a lot brighter. The best thing is she not only enters the contest but she will spread the word so others can have a chance to. Oh and my daughters are into the contests as well, I should say one is, the other daughter needs a new computer, hers just died. If there is a contest for a computer giveaway, please send me the info?
This dog bed I found in one of CSN Stores online and I think our little pom would just love it.

For Me, Something like this would work.