True stories of a small flock of remarkable individuals -- and other critters.

Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts

Monday, August 15, 2011

Lil'White Goes Shopping

A Facebook friend declared August 14  "Take Your Chicken to a Pet Store Day".

So I did!

I took Lil'White.

I'm not sure what she was expecting, 

but I don't think she was prepared for all the attention.

She caused lots of double-takes and smiles.  We had some nice chats with customers...wandered around... picked up a little toy for Marky.

Lil'White maintained her composure until we arrived at the Budgie cage.
That's when her little toes started quivering and we decided it was time to depart. 

Just a little delay at the checkout --

And we were home within the hour.
To Lil'White, it seemed much longer. 

I'm glad we went on this little adventure. Lil'White served as a fine ambassador for pet chickens, and in our conversations with amused shoppers, we were able to slip in a little comment here and there about healthy eggs from happy hens -- which is really what it's all about.