I've been playing with more string flowers,
as well as cutting up some ovals in hand dyed fabrics from a previous project
to make bouquets.
These are not appliqued yet, and I've put the leaves and flowers close together
because I'll lose a bit when I hand applique them.
Too busy, right?
What about if the flowers are arranged in a vase?
I like this better. I need to add the stems, and maybe some embellishment on the vase.
After I made this flower, the colours ran into the green. oops.
Here's a flower from Kaffe fabrics and leaves fussy cut from a Kaffe print.
I'll lose some of the background when I turn under the edges.
I've been accused of having quilter's ADHD. It certainly looks like it on my design wall,
since I have three projects going
(and there's more hiding in my WIP and UFO drawer.) AAAACCK!
So instead of sewing, I distracted myself with some purchases from the local thrift shop.
This apron from unbleached muslin is hand embroidered and hemmed,
but needs ties and a neck strap.
Here's close-up of the embroidery.
This is a hemmed square of cotton fabric, 20 by 20 inches.
It has Christian symbols on it (fish, grapes, bread, crown, lamb)
but with a definite 1960s vibe.
I don't have a plan for it, but I liked the colours.
Here's more goodies: a linen tea towel with the clans of Scotland, with some lovely pinks and golds,
Quilter's Edge iron on 1/4 inch tape, and a small pressing ham.