wow what an amazing year for scraptastic club!!!
huge congrats to jessica!!! you rock xoxo
so we came up with the idea to share with
you our favorite pages we did with the
kits this past year!
i can't even explain how har it was to
pick just one from each kit!
here is my year of scraptastic club scrapping...
august 2010 "lifes a beach kit"

september 2010 "old school"

lol i cheated and added 2 lol!!!!!

october 2010 "nightmare on my street"

november 2010 "pyrus kit"

december 2010 "yuletide tinsel"

february 2011 "boys will be boys"

march 2011 "princess for a day"

april 2011 "enjoy the little things"

may 2011 "in the hood"

*cheating again!! may 2011 "classic girl"

june 2011 "birthday wishes"

july 2011 "sweet summertime"

august 2011 "summer star"

such awesome memories preserved with amazing kits!!!!
so now you can move on to the next hop stop...
*you are here*
remember to leave a comment on each blog and one
saying you completed the hop for
your chance to win a happy days
collection from simple stories!!!!