Friday, December 30, 2005

Boxes and Tape

I am so sick of boxes and tape!!! But the packing is progressing nicely. Sounds like Bill has the job in Newport News, and we may close the 2nd week in Jan when he is down there. Bill is going to be off tomorrow and we plan on getting alot packed!!

I of course am still scrapping daily. If I didn't I would go completely CRAZY!!

Photos by David Travers, LOL!!

Monday, December 26, 2005

the 26th

Well it is the day after all of the hoopla. The kids had ana amazing christmas yesterday!! So much excitement is Alexa is was such an amazing thing to see. We had Christmas AM here then showered dressed and went to Grandma and Grandpas early. Of course there were presents galore, and Santa came!! The kids and our whole family just had the most wonderful day together. That is what it is all about!!

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Wow life has changed so much since last year at this time!!

Last year
Alexa still did not get Christmas
Wil was in my belly
I was on modified bedrest for almost 2 months already
We were not sure if we were going to move to VA
I barely scrapped
I only got 1 kit
I did not have all of the amazing friends I now have that I met online!!

This Year
Alexa is counting down the days until Santa comes with presents, LOL
Wil is 11 months old, happy and healthy
I never want to be on bedrest again!!
We will be moving in about 4 weeks
I am a scrap-a-holic!!
I am a kit junkie!!
I have the most amazing friends anyone could ever ask for!!

Friday, December 23, 2005

2 More Days!!

Oh boy does Alexa git the whole Santa thing this year. She is driving me batty!!! "Yes Santa is coming to town" "santa bring me presents and TOYS!!", and the cookies!! She just stares at them asking for a cookie from 5AM. I can't wait to get those pictures of her first reactions to the presents under the tree!!

I have been scrapping, for some reason I just can't get into scrapping christmas yet. I have done a few LO's, but I am not loving them!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

3 More days until presents!!!

You Are Rudolph
Sweet and shy, you tend to be happiest when you're making someone else happy.
Why You're Naughty: You sometimes stick that nose where it doesn't belong
Why You're Nice: Christmas would be a sad affair without you! href="">Which of Santa's Reindeer Are You?

How cute is that!! That you Dalis for the link!!

I did a cute Christmas LO today. I don't ever want to make cookies again!!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Cookie Day!!

Today is cookie day!! So far iced sugar cookies are done, and snowballs are 1/2 done. Next comes chocolate cip and something else with chocolate, but I am not sure of what yet. Yesterday we took the car to get an "oreo" (oil) change as Alexa calls it, lol. Got a couple more toys for the kids and wrapped them up last night. BRING ON SANTA, we are ready!!

I did a LO yesterday, but haven't dona a title yet. I only did 1 LO on Monday, I know I have to make either a card or a mini mini book for a gift today, UGH!!

Monday, December 19, 2005

6 More Days!!

Until Santa comes!! Woo Hoo!! Alexa so gets Christmas, and Santa this year!! Right now she is watching a Princess Christmas video. Yesterday was a blast!! Santa Came up here yesterday, Alexa was so excited to see him on the Fire Engine!! Of course it would have been noce if he would have stopped to say hi to the kids as he left one of the neighbors apartment :(, none-the-less Alexa was so happy!! Then last night we went to see Christmas lights, we went to WP and to Harrison. I can't wait until both kids are big enough to understand, Wil slept in the car and Alexa and I got out to look around at the house in Harrison. I think she was a little overwhelmed.

Scrappy wise, I accomplished 3 LO's yesterday. I was going crazy packing boxes and when I am stressed I scrap better I think.

Saturday, December 17, 2005


Not too much happened yesterday, SSDD, KWIM?? I do have to share this link with you, all the Star Wars lovers will get it.... I am still listening to it!! I really can't believe how close we are to christmas, holy cow where did this year go????

I did a cute LO yesterday, and a clipboard that I love, but I am too lazy to take a pic of it. I cleaned the scrap space again!! I really hope I have a little more room in the house. I cannot find a thing.

Friday, December 16, 2005

More of the same

Yesterday was just another day doing the same stuff. Kids played and ate, and slept. I packed, cleaned, and scrapped. Bill had some excitement. He went to work, drove home last night, but could not make it up the hill due to the ice. On his trek up the hill to get home he fell. Poor Bill :( I spoke to my sister, sjhe had an OK birthday.

I did 3 LO's yesterday. I did a mono, but when I scanned it the colors lok terrible. I put alot of effort into the title it is 3 hand cut layers. The bottom is stamped, the middle is inkled and the top is stamped and heat embossed.

Sorry about the color distortion

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Down to the wire

Yup it is really the 15th of December!! It is my sister's birthday, Happy Birthday Dee!! That means about 1 month until we close on the house, WOW!! and 10 day until Christmas Day!! I shopped and wrapped yesterday, and I think I am mostly done, yeah!! I packed a few more boxes this AM of knick-knacks, trying to get as much done as possible.

On the scrappy side os life.... I have been scrappinglike crazy the past few days. On Tuesday I did 4LO's. Two were for the DT , and the other two were for me :). Last night I was on a roll too, I did 3 LOs all challenges for I think I made for for the days I was sick now;).

Monday, December 12, 2005

It's been a while

It's been a while, almost a week in fact, since I have blogged. It has been almost a week since I have sone anything really. Just when I thought I was getting better, a tummy virus really kicked my butt. I am almost all better. Yesterday I didn't care how sick I was we took the kids to the Local 3 Christmas party. They really had a blast, they met Dora and Boots, and Shrek. Not to mention Santa was there, and Wil did not cry!!

I did a little DT scrapping this weekend, and that was fun. I finally sis a J4K challenge today, it had been a week and it felt good.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Well as of yesterday the kids are feeling better, Alexa more than Wil but better none the less. I am a bit better too, woo hoo!!

I was so happy I was able to get 2 LO's done yesterday!! Yeah!! It felt good to scrap after being sick. I did the Sunday Sketch and the Monday Manic from Oh and my LO of the kids with Santa is in the Sept gallery. I was so pleased to see how well that paper worked for a christmas LO!!

Sunday, December 04, 2005

I'm Sick too!!

Well yesterday was the 2nd and last craft fair for the year. It went OK, my ornaments sold like hot cakes. I woke up yesterday monring not feeling well, and feel worse today, ugh!!

So... I left the kids home with Daddy yesterday. OMMessy apartment whe I got home!! The kids were still in jammies (it was after 4PM). Granted the kiddies are both sick, but Alexa will show no signs of weakness. Wil, well Daddy held him all day long!! So of course he would not sleep last night if he wasn't being held!! So guess who held him, yup that was Daddys punnishment, LOL!! Poor Alexa had to miss her party, boo hoo. Heather came by before I got home and dropped off cake, and put Alexa down for a nap. Thank you Heather!!

David, David and Michelle came over last night. We had a good time, pizza and ice cream, just like a kids birthday party, LOL!!

Friday, December 02, 2005

Christmas time is here!

Well my little man is sick with a cold. I have never seen so much runniness in my life, poor bugga boo. These kids were up so late last night, the baby barely slept at all. Needless to say, I am pooped!! Bill is off tomorrow, woo hoo a personal day!! I have the second craft fair, hope I do well!! Alexa has her fisrt friends birthday party, hope she does well! Then we are having friends over for dinner.

Scrap wise, I did my first christmas LO of the season!! SO much fun, I love all the christmas papers, I get a warm feeling inside just touching them, LOL!! I am working on todays challenge, I think I will be combining a couple. The funny part of that is that I have to scraplift myself, and one of the LO I want to lift is one I did for one of the same type of challenges. That's really lifting, aye!! LOL.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Packing, UGH!!!

Ok so we spent half the day yesterday packing, oye was that crazy with the kids under foot!! Of course nobody wanted to nap until we were done, it's that always the case, LOL.

We went out ran errands. Of course we did not get everything done, but when do we. All in all we had a good day.

On the scrap front.... Treasure Island has a great selection of "stuff" now!! I was amazed, but was being rushed so I bought nothing, boo hoo!! I must go back by myself one day. I did a LO last nuight using the Polar Bear Press papers, and my kit, and the ribbon and flower kit from there too!! I was so happy with it!! The wuote was a daily challenge from thank you Jill!!