Showing posts with label CSI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CSI. Show all posts

Friday, April 12, 2013

CSI Case File No. #66 & GrandDiva April Sketch Challenge

Hello Peeps!
I trust you are having a "scrap happy day."
Today I want to share a layout I created for

 Here is the sketch I used:


Let's check out this week's CSI case. The theme is all about "humor."
April is National Humor Month.
 All things funny and laugh-inducing.


Here is my take:
This LO should make you laugh.

*I used all 5 colors.
*white bckground
*dog accents

*Handwrite Journal
*Something funny

Close Up Views:

This is for real. My girlfriend's dogs were actually
in the TJ Maxx shopping cart;
Carson and Kendall.


My latest project is creating sprial roses 
in various.
{grey & white}

Case Solved!!!!

That's it for now.
I trust you were inspired and enjoyed the humor.
Thanks for stopping by.
Enjoy your day.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Time to Reveal CSI Case File #65

Hi there.
I have been a busy bee during March.
Now we are at the end of yet another month.
Today I want to share my last layout as
It has been a blast and I enjoyed it so much.
I was able to complete all the cases
for March.
Again thank you Debbi for the honor. 
Let's look this week's case. 

I used all the colors of the scheme.

Here is my take:


* bird
* pinwheel
*white space 

*Spread your journaling across three spots.

Here are more views:

*There are a few more spread in spots on the layout:

*Ally,Roni, and Steph
*On The Journey

 Case solved!!!!!!
I love CSI because of the inspiration and journaling.
Thanks for stopping by.
Enjoy your day.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Revealing CSI Case File No. 64

Hi there!
Happy Monday!
Trust your day is going well.
Time to reveal the
During this month of march I have been
one of the Special Investigators and
I have enjoyed myself.
Let's look at this case.

I used all 5 colors.


*Using the image as a jumping off point for journaling.
*Freewrite on a topic related to your photo.

Here is my take:


I enjoyed creating this layout using little Alayah.
I love the picture showing her curiosity.

Here are some close views:


Case solved!!!!!
I trust you were inspired by this project.
Thanks for stopping by.
Enjoy your day.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Time to Reveal CSI Case #63-Happy Spring!!!!

Hi there all.
 Spring is one of my favorite seasons. Nature is waking
up from a cold winter nap.
It's time for nature to bloom. 
However snowflakes are still falling.
Today I want to share several layouts I created
for CSI as
I have been so honored and excited to design
for this awesome site. I love CSI because
it is filled with fabulous inspiration and
journal stories that are amazing to read.
A big thanks again to Debbi for asking me
to go on this journey. I will never forget.

Here is Case #63


Using my favorite colors which were apart of this week's case
 I created this vintage and shabby chic LO
with my mom's picture. 

The journal refers to my favorite hobbie

I enjoyed creating this dress form which
turned out easy and pretty. 

 Here I used a beautiful pearl and rhinestone
jewel along with a
Dusty Attic work title.

Case solved!!!!
I really enjoyed solving this case.
Thanks for taking time to stop by.
See ya soon!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

March Guest Designer for CSI

Hi peeps!
Rachelle here with exciting news.
I saved the best for last.
I will be a
March Guest Designer-Special Investigator
I am so honored and excited to have
been asked by Debbi. 
It is a dream and blessing come true.
I so love this site and the beautiful inspiration 
showcased each week.

This is my first investigator layout.

Case File #60

So I will be a little more of a busy bee all month.
This is going to be such a "hoot."
Thanks for stoppping by today.
Enjoy your week with smiles.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

CSI Case File NO.60~"Our Love!"

Hi there!!!!
I am back with more to share.
Gotta share this one.
Photo: So true! :) 
 That is so true! LOL!!!!!!
I want to share my layout for this week at
CSI Case File 60. 

Here is my take:
 I really had fun with this creation.
Here's how I cracked the case.

I used the entire color scheme.

*decorative border

*Write a love letter
*Add hearts to journal spot

I used journal strips for basic info and

*Twi-lady & Hubby
*Roni & Mitchell
*Our Love
*Will stand tall as the trees
wrote a letter which says;

Dear Twi Sisters,

This love story is all about

 a Twi sister and her hubby;

 Roni and Mitchell.

High school sweethearts and

married for 18 years. These

love birds got married when

they were just 18 years-old.

”He is still my best friend”

and the love of my life,”

says Roni. We were married

Sept. 24, 1994. Top this union

Of love we have 2 children,

girl & boy.Roni says, “she

wants to be A Proverb’s wife.

Here are closeup views:


Case solved!!!!!
It is my hope that you were inspired by this layout.
Thanks for stopping by today.
There is more to come.
Happy Scrapping.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

CSI Case File No.59 & GrandDiva's February Sketch Challenges

Hi there!
Rachelle here. I trust you are having
a blessed Sunday.
Today I want to share my weekly case challenge at
February sketch over at

Here is the case info: 

I used the February Sketch from GrandDiva's blog.

Here is my take:

I really had fun creating this layout.
Awesome color scheme and sketch.
Let's see how I solved this case.

*Use all 5 colors of the scheme


*List 14 things about your topic
*Frame your journaling


 14 things about Alayah.

 Journal about the basic of layout.

"Adore" is the layout title.

My signature style using flowers, pearls, 
stickpin,and crochet florals.

Case solved!!!!!
I will be submitting this layout for

It is my hope that your were inspired today.
Thanks for stopping by and
enjoy your blessed day.