Viser innlegg med etiketten Wedding card. Vis alle innlegg
Viser innlegg med etiketten Wedding card. Vis alle innlegg

søndag 5. august 2018

CMN Sommer inspirasjon- To bryllupskort

 Sommer er bryllupssesongen over alle her i Norge, og det finnes så mange fine stempler som passer til anledningen. Som inspirasjon hos Copic Marker Norge denne uken har jeg laget to bryllupskort med to ulike typer motiver. 

Det første er et Magic Card med motiv fra Mo Manning/ Mo's digital pencil. 

Hud: E11-21-000, R20
Hår: E59-57-53-51
Hvitt: W7-3-1-00
Sort: W9-7-5-3
Rødt: E18-08, R89-24-22
Grønt: YG67-17-03
Bakgrunn: W1-00, C3-1-00

Inni har jeg dekorert helt enkelt med et tekststempel og diecut til å skrive på. 

Det andre kortet er litt mer lekent i stilen enn det forrige, selv om papirene og tema sørger for at kortet fortsatt er i en romantisk stil. 
Motivet er fra Make it Crafty og er så detaljert at jeg synes det var mer enn nok pynt i seg selv. 

Jeg har brukt disse copic tusjene:
Hår: E37, 35, 33, 31,30
Grått/svart: W9-7-5-3-1-00
Rødt: E18- E07, R24-22-20, W7
Gult: YR23-21-31, Y11
Bakgrunn: C00-1, W00-1, BV20,

Slik ser kortet ut inni.

Håper du fikk litt inspirasjon!

Takk for at du tittet innom i dag- ha en fin dag! 

Sommerklem fra 

tirsdag 1. mars 2016

DT CMN- #74 Wedding card

Hi crafty friends, 

It's time for an new challenge over at Copic Marker Norge. We would like to see dies on your project this time. 

I made a Magic Card inspired by Mariannes  card (tutorial on her blog). 

I used spellbinder dies around the image, a La La Land Craft banner die, and I got my old quick kutz alphabet dies called Katie out to write the names of the bride and groom. The lovely papers are Pion Design Wedding Collection. 

The image is a cropped part of Wedding Couple by Mo Manning/ Mo's digital pencil. 
Copic Colors used: 
Skin: /Hud: E13-11-21-00
Hair/Hår: E55-53-51
Suit/Dress: W9-7-5-3-1
Dress/Kjole/skjorte: W7-3-1-00
Reds/Rødt: E89-46-32-22
Greens/Grønt: YG67-63-61
Background/Bakgrunn: B60,C00, W00, R20

Here's the inside of the card. 
Decorated with dies and a Stempelglede sentiment stamp.

Here's the back of the card. I used another one of the beautiful Wedding sentiment stamps by Stempelglede. 

Don't forget to stop by Copic Marker Norge to see lots of inspiration from the DT and join in for a chance to win lots of copic goodies. 

Crafty hugs, 

lørdag 12. juli 2014

In the name of love: 3 Wedding Cards /3 Bryllupskort

Good evening blogging friends,

Summer is wedding season, (and I we celebrating our one year wedding anniversary this august) I thought I would  pop by to show you a few wedding cards I made for Ett Trykk Magazine this summer, sponsored by Sizzix. 
I used a few of the lovely Sizzix dies to create these three cards. 
Sommeren er jo bryllups sesong (og det nærmer seg vår 1 års bryllupsdag!) Så jeg tenkte jeg skulle vise dere 3 bryllupskort jeg laget for Ett Trykk. 

This one is made using Maja Design papers. The wedding sentiment is one of the 1 inch stamps by Norsk Stempelblad AS. Chipboard bird cage by Dusty attic, cute charm from the Live & Love crafts store– charms, Pearls by Papirdesign and hearts by Panduro.
Dies are Sizzix  Sizzlits Die Set Rosettes , Memory box heart swirl dies. Punch by Martha Stewart.

This second card is made using Vibeke Spigseth/Poppy Design papers. The wedding sentiment is by Stempelglede. Flowers and lace from Unik Hobby, Pearl string from Live & Love Craft and hearts by Panduro. Sizzix die is Sizzlits Decorative Strip Die Decorative Hearts #2, 

Third card is extremely CAS to be made by me, but I think it turned out ok... lol. 
Papers by Maja Design, Sentiment by Stempelglede, Pearls by Papirdesign, Sizzix die is Thinlits Die Cake Three Tier

All three cards are for sale in my Epla Shop
Kortene er til salgs i Epla butikken min.

No coloring this time:) If you pop back on monday I will have some fun coloring inspiration to show you!

Thanks for stopping by my blog today,
Wishing you a sunny day!

Takk for at du titter innom bloggen min, 
ønsker deg en solfylt dag! 

Crafty hugs, 
  Follow on Bloglovin

onsdag 18. juni 2014

Wedding Card

Hello crafting friends,
Here is a custom card I made a while back that I haven't shown you. It's a wedding book card using lots of die cuts and punches. Summer is wedding season so here goes. Sorry about the not-so-good quality of the pictures.

 Papers are Maja design. Dies from Memorybox, Go Create and Spellbinders, flowers by WOC. I used a Martha Stewart punch and the cut couple charm is from the Live & Love craft store. 
Here is the inside of the card. I used a cute Mini- Magnolia bridal couple colored with Copic Markers. 

 Hope you like it!
Thanks for stopping by my blog today, 
wishing you a lovely day! 

I wold like to enter the following challenges: 
Papirdukkene: Vintage/ Shabby chic
Lovely Hanglar or Sweet Magnolia: Bingo (Edwin- Flowers- Tilda or Pearls - Edwin - Dies)

Crafty hugs, 

Follow on Bloglovin

lørdag 5. oktober 2013

DT Ett Trykk: Cardmaking day blog hop!

I dag er det CARD MAKING DAY! Det må vel feires litt ekstra, tenkte vi!  For er det ikke en fantastisk herlig hobby vi har? Så masse boblende kreativitet, morsomme produkter å leke og skape med, og så mye glede både i å gi bort og motta hjemmelagde kort og små kreasjoner :D

 Noen av oss i det kreative teamet har vært med lenge, noen er litt ferskere og nå har vi også akkurat fått med oss en helt ny scrappedame - nemlig Mona :) Vi håper denne blogghoppen kan være en mulighet for dere til å bli bedre kjent både med oss i Ett Trykk teamet, og at vi kan inspirere dere litt ekstra på card making day - denne dagen som feirer den supre hobbyen vår.

Til en blogghopp hører det naturligvis også PREMIER! Det liker vi:) Vi har tre premier vi ønsker å dele ut til tre heldige vinnere blant alle som deltar:

Today is Cardmaking day! To celebrate we are having a blog hop over at the Ett Trykk blog. We would like you to get to know the DT-girls a little better, and help us welcome our newest member, Mona to the team. We hope to inspire you on this day celebrating our wonderful hobby.
We will draw three winners for these great prizes (all products in Norwegian): 

1. Ett års abonnement på Ett trykk!
One year subscription to the Ett Trykk magazine.

2. De to nyeste stempelplatene våre!
Our two new sets of Christmas sentiment-stamps.

3. Et kjempetøft scrappeforkle!
Our awesome apron, a must have for all of us scrappers! 

For å være med i trekningen av disse flotte premiene må du gjøre følgende:
Here's what you need to do:

1. Være eller bli følger av Ett trykk bloggen/ be a follower of the Ett Trykk blog.
2. Skrive om blogghoppen i bloggen din, enten i sidemargen eller eget innlegg, og linke tilbake til dette innlegget. / Put a pic with a link to the main blog in your sidebar or make a post.
3. Besøk bloggene til vårt flotte designteam på listen under og legge igjen en kommentar.
Visit our blogs and leave a comment on each of them
4. Komme tilbake til Ett trykk bloggen og legge igjen en kommentar i blogghoppinnlegget.
Return to the Ett Trykk blog and comment on the blog hop post.
Here's the full list:

Start: Ett trykk

Vi vil gjerne hoppe med dere en uke og dere må fullføre runden innen fredag 11. oktober:) Lørdag 12. oktober trekker vi vinnerne!
You have to complete the hop by Friday oct 11 to be in the prize draw.
Have funn! Happy Card Making Day!!

Kos dere med blogghoppen alle sammen og happy Card making day!

Her er kortet mitt/
Here's my card: 
Ideen til kortet og malen fant jeg hos Din Fantasi
/ I found the idea and tutorial for the card at Din Fantasi

Jeg har brukt ark fra Maja Design- Sofiero, Blomster fra WOC, Romantic oval die fra Spellbinder. xCharms og perletråd fra Live & Love crafts og hjerte fra panduro.

 Brudpar stemplet er fra Magnolia og er fargelagt med distress ink stempelputer. Hvis du ønsker deg tips om fargelegging så finner du det her: Fargeleggingshefte.

Inni har jeg brukt en form jeg skar ut med Silhouetten min. De vakre papirene er mer enn nok pynt i seg selv synes jeg! 

Hvis du kom hit fra Kjersti sin blogg er du pår riktig spor, da fortsetter du videre til vårt nyeste medlem Mona, hvis ikke går du tilbake til Ett trykk bloggen og starter på toppen:)
Happy hopping!

Ha en kreativ helg, 
  Follow on Bloglovin

fredag 29. juni 2012

Just Magnolia # 163 Use a Banner!

If you are looking for my candy, click here.

Good morning everyone!
 It's time for a new challenge over at  Just Magnolia hAnglar & stAnglar challenge
Our lovely and talented host this week is Suzan, and her theme of choice is:


This week we are so lucky to have two wonderful sponsors, 
7 Kids College Fund and The Ribbon Girl.
Remember you have to use a Magnolia or hAnglar stamp on your card to be in the draw!

Here's mine. I colored this wedding couple a while back, but I haven't used it beacause I always make wedding cards in white, and the colors didn't go very well on a white card. Now I decided to go for something nontraditional.

I used Magnolia papers, spellbinders, Martha Steward punches and Mulberry flowers. Charms and ribbon from stash. I made the banner just by cutting it out from bazzil and stamping some swirls on it. The DP was a dominating the card a little too much, so I softened it down with some white acrylic paint. Sewing and distres sink on the edges as

Here's my bridal couple. I used these copics to color it:
Skin: E13-11-00-000, Hair: E57-53-51, Dress, flowers, tie: G94-82-40- 21, R 89-85-81, Suit and Tilda's shoes: E 57-53-50, Edwin's shoes: T7-4-1, Shadow: W5-3-1.

 My Banner details.

Something on the inside too.

Hope you are inspired to make your own card for the banner challenge. Pop over to the  Just Magnolia hAnglar & stAnglar challenge blog to see the beautiful creations of the DT and to join the fun. 

I would like to enter my card into the following challenges: 
Charisma Cardz Challenges: #25 Anything goes
Paperplay Challenges: Flag/pennants/banners

Have a great weekend, everyone!

søndag 20. mai 2012

Wedding card- whites

It's wedding season here as summer is getting close, so i thought I'd make a wedding card today.
I challenged myself to the Midweek Magnolia challenge this week:  Big white space. I also want to enter my card to the
Bearly Mine challenge: #35 Dies. I used Quick Kutz lace circle dies and Memorybox heart dies.
and finally to Copicmarker Norge : Bryllup.

I used papers from Papirdesign, and white bazzil. I used Martha Stewart punch, Quick Kutz circle lace die, Memorybox heart dies, Magnolia doohickey, flowers form and Kort og Godt, lace and pearls from stash. And of course my sewing machine. I did some embossing on the image paper, flower stamps from Prima. I had to distress just a little bit on the edges- couldn't help myself:o)

I colored the Magnolia Bridal Couple from the Wedding Collection with my copics. I used W9-7-5-3-1 for the dress and suit, RV91 and V000 for the flowers, Skin: E13-11-00-000 and Hair: E47-39-35-31-30. And of course my blender.... always:o) 

I painted some liquid pearl on the flowers- doesn't show very well in the pic, but looks kind of nice in real life... You can get a glimpse of the embossing here too.

The inside job! A wedding card does need a nice inside.

Thanks for stopping by! Love it if you leave a comment!
Have a lovely week- hope you get some ink on your fingers:)

tirsdag 17. april 2012

Lace- bridal couple.

I finally sat down to try out my bridal couple from Magnolia. It's been lying there for a long time since I got it. I would like to enter this card into the following challenges:
Just Magnolia week 152: Lovely lace and DT call. Use lace on the project.
Magnolialicious Highlites Lots of lace and blog hop.
Very inspiration waching the wonderful creations of the DTs on both blogs!

I used papers from Pion Design, thre different laces, flowers, pearls and charms from my stash, spellbinders and hert dies from Memorybox.

I colored the bridal couple from Magnolia with my copics.

This is how I decorated the inside.

Thats it for now. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Love it if you leave a comment!