January 31, 2013

Saying Goodbye is SO Hard to do!

When I took over the list mom position of SOS I only knew one of the ladies and so I was quite thankful for those who decided to stick it out with me as the newbie and see if we could develop a working relationship and friendship wrapped around the art of scrapbooking. Well,  as it does happen two of the lovely ladies have come to the end of their terms with SOS and I for one am most grateful for the time to get to know them, their work, and a little about them as the months went by. I look forward to seeing where they each go into 2013 and have let them both know they are always welcome back here at SOS. So, please help me say goodbye today to Charlotte and Debbie.

Take care girls!



January 30, 2013

Tag You're It by our Friend Donna Woods

Tag, You're It!  Fall is my favorite time of year.  Here I am - wearing my new rain boots.  The paper is KaiserCraft "Tiny Woods" with a few stickers from Little Yellow Bicycle's "Acorn Hollow'.  The tag is made with kraft paper and the edges are inked using Creative Memories chalking inks.  The ribbon is satin from Stampin'Up dyed with Rangers "Dylusions - Squeezed Orange Ink Spray"


January 29, 2013

Introducing Kiana Fitzpatrick~Being Pagerized

To all of our Pagerizing Fans:
This month you will see located on the right hand side of the blog a great layout created by Kiana,  who described herself as a God-fearing woman, mommy, wife, and poetry writer. I'm a keeper of digital scrapbooks, an avid reader, sneaker lover, musically liberated, internet surfing, lady-angler, friend of all animals type of gal! She is full of wonderful attributes and not to mention a talent scrapbooking! Please take the time to scraplift her layout and link your lift below by Feb 12 so that you may be the next person inspiring a Pagerize This layout!!! Visit  Kiana here: loveitscrapitwithkiana.blogspot.com

Here is a close up of hers:
Pagerize #25 Kiana

January 28, 2013

Tag You're It by our Friend Monique Fox

Monique Fox is playing along in our Tag You're It challenge, whoohooo here it is ;)

January 27, 2013

Tag You're It by our Friend Cathy Sanders

Cathy Sanders of What's Up with Me is playing with us today! Here is what she told me about her layout :) Deb♥

I've just done a layout that is perfect for your challenge.... it's from my birthday last year...I used the Making Memories tag maker to do all the squares and tags on the page.

Sorry for the Interuption :(

Hello Loyal Friends! I am just sending an apology for the lack of projects this month. Sadly, I have had major computer issues all of this at the same time  I am recovering from surgery. I am adding some amazing projects tonight so I hope you enjoy as we pick up where we left off!

January 16, 2013

Tag You're It by our Friend Jessica Navarro

We have another friend stopping by today with her layout for Tag You're It! Look at her sweet sweet baby!!!

These are pictures of my daughter and I in Aruba. We took an island tour of Aruba and DD zonked out right before our lunch destination and then slept in my arms throughout the entire lunch. She was exhausted from such a busy morning. The tags are from Creative Memories and I stuck them into a pocket I made out of a journaling pad. I added a bit of ribbon to the tags. I left the tags blank as I journaled on the journaling block; a technique I have never used, but I really like how it turned out. I have posted more information and pictures on my blog at http://scraplifterdesigns.blogspot.com/2013/01/january-load-38-39-nap-time.html

January 15, 2013

Tag You're It by our Friend Kiana Fitzpatrick

We have a friend,Kiana Fitzpatrick stopping by today to show her Tag You're It layout :)

 FRIEND: Kiana Fitzpatrick

January 14, 2013

Tag You're It by Elizabeth

Designer, Elizabeth with her Tag layout :)

The challenge this month is to create a layout using tags and you.  Now, I found this challenge kind of taxing. Not because of the tag requirement, that was the easy bit, but because of the ‘you’ requirement. You see, I’m usually the one with the camera so there are very few photos, recent ones anyway, taken of me ... and most of those I really don’t like at all. However, whilst out doing a bit of Christmas shopping, we were delighted to spot Mickey and Minnie strolling through our town centre and, as luck would have it, I had my camera with me. And, better still, they were more than happy to strike a pose!

To create the layout I’ve raided my stash and used papers from a few different sources, old and new.  The embellishments were mostly handmade using paper punches and bits and bobs from stash too.

I admit to still not being too happy with this layout ... it has taken me forever to complete and that was after starting and stopping several times. I think I may have to revisit it sometime in the future to see if I can improve on it. I might even take it apart and start again!


The Day Disney Came to Ayr - 2

January 13, 2013

Tag You're It by Tammy

Our design team member Tammy has an example of Tag You're It for us today. Enjoy!

Tammy said:
For this month's challenge I dug deep in my stash to find a photo from my wedding day.  This was taken at the hair salon my bridesmaids and I had our hair done at.  In the picture my up-do is complete and my veil is on, all that's left now is get my wedding gown on and get to the church!  I made my own tags for journaling spots.  Everything in my layout is from Bella Blvd.  Now let's see your take on this challenge!

I'm Ready

January 12, 2013

Tag You're It by Sarah

Hey Everyone! A few days ago something  happened here in our Blogger that did not quite reveal Sarah's Tag layout so I just thought I would add it  again and take a new strike at it! Sorry for any confusion it may have caused and thanks to those who let me know!!!

Grabbed a few pictures taken for an older SOS challenge (squares) and never used.
Ha! Scrapping my Scrap Your Stash stash.
Wanted the LO bright, bold and silly 'cause that's what these pictures were. 
Dug deep and found a Bo Bunny sticker set I bought erm... awhile ago, so long ago can't remember when or what for, that had a BIG Tag sticker on it I used for the Title. Each of the stickers were placed on black cardstock then cut out free hand. I like the 'wobble' of free hand cutting. The title TAG also has a snippet of Stampin' Up! gingham ribbon tucked underneath.
Pictures were inked in black around the edges to make them POP on the brightly colored background.
The bit of Queen & Co. Lime Green sticker trim was a snippet of leftovers sitting on my desk.
Regular Brads are also BoBunny.
Bling Brads are KeepSake Crafts.
Flowers by Prima.
Papers are unknown.

Take time everyday to do something SILLY.
Maybe even a silly LO! ;)

 Sarah's Tag-It... Take 2!

January 11, 2013

Tag You're It by Tamara

I had so many things going through my head with this challenge and so many ways that this can be done.  In the end the pictures of our dinner at Knotts Berry Farm were chosen to create this layout.  I used tags of all kinds, I turned the picture mats into tags simply by mounting them and cutting off one corner,taking the triangle cut and placing it on the other side of the tag and cutting it so they would be even on both sides. (hope that makes sense to you).  I used a making memories circle tag for the title and also tags to journal our story.  I loved using bright red and yellow to compliment the chicken pictures.  This is one challenge that I will for sure be using again.  So much fun once I got started.  Can't wait to see what you come up with.


January 10, 2013

Tag You're It by Debbie

I've had these two photos of myself in my "to do" folder for quite some time and hadn't gotten around to putting them on a layout. I just got this pretty purple paper from Echo Park, (The Winter Wishes Collection),  and knew right away that it would work well for those photos. I created tags from my patterned paper to hold the titles saying "Happy Birthday" in the American and Hindu version. Since I do not scrapbook about myself very often, I was glad that this challenge gave me the nudge I needed to do so. And who doesn't love using tags on their layouts!

Blogging Jan 11

January 9, 2013

Tag You're It by Charlotte

This was a great challenge for me! First of all because I got to use up the rest of my Echo Park Hello Spring mini theme collection and second because I got to use up some tags that have been sitting in my drawer for a very long time. Tags are such a fun thing to make and look so cute on layouts! http://scrapsational-char.blogspot.ca/

Happy- SOS

January 7, 2013

Tag You're It by Wendy

While I was in the mood to work on some Christmas pages, I decided to work on the Tag You're It Challenge. I love these classic reds from this My Mind's Eye Christmas collection. And I was lucky enough to even find a nice picture of me and the hubby. The tags are chipboard pieces and I added some really pretty red flowers from the stash, along with a piece of gold ribbon. I also added a strip of red velvet ribbon behind the photo. This is one of my favorite pages,...I guess that means I have to make sure I get more pictures of me and the hubby! Have a great day!

Merry Christmas!

January 6, 2013

Tag You're It by Karen

I went a little to town with the tags on my LO- there are twelve in all- some are punched tags and don't have the hole in them but I think they still count. I chose the paper as it went with the pattern of my daughter's dress and then I went from there using scraps and bits and bobs to finish it off.

cute and sweet

January 4, 2013

Tag You're It by Haley

Making a layout about me isn't easy, but this was the perfect challenge to use this year's school picture of me.  I used lots of odds and ends from my stash to try to match the shirt I was wearing that day.  Some of my supplies are old, but some are current.  Most are from Close To My Heart, but the stickers were from an assortment I won several years ago.  It was actually fun to focus on me just a bit and use some supplies (instead of hoarding them)!


January 3, 2013

Tag You're It by Brenda

Hello and thanks for stopping by!

I love the look of tags on layouts and all of the various ways you can use them in your design.   For this month's tag challenge I cut a tag with my Cricut out of kraft cardstock, layered it with a journaling card, added a gear and twine.  I then layered it behind the paper bag. I love the look this created.

Pull out your tags and let SOS see how you use them.   The possibilities are endless.  

Happy New Year! 

Caleb ~ SOS Tag Challenge

January 2, 2013

Tag You're It by Wendy K

This challenge was a tough one for me, but then that's why they call it a challenge!  I have few pictures with me in them so that was the most difficult.  Once I found this tag from a swap, the layout came together.

Wendy - Tag You're It

January 1, 2013

Tag You're It by Charlotta

Hi; this papperetd paper was too blue to combine with the
picture, so I covered it with Gesso and then started to scrap
my layout. Yes; it's me on the picture, photo was taken on the
Greek island of Corfu last year on vacation.

Wish for new adventures this new year too!!!

La Vikinga / Charlotta

Tag it