Showing posts with label Pincushion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pincushion. Show all posts

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

I should feel so lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky!

Maree's auctioning items on her blog, proceeds are going to the bushfire appeal, please give your support where you can.

Now before I do a post about our camping trip I have to share with you some goodies I received this week. I one two prizes recently, yes two! I was on a winning streak.

I won Isabella's 50 th post and also Julia's 1st Blogoversary and they were gorgeous prizes too.

Isabella sent me a beaut sewing caddy, it's a fabulous size it has zipper pouches either end so I won't lose anything and a place for all my needles in the middle

Isabella also sent two patterns and a packet of embroidery needles (not shown)

Julia sent a beautiful doll quilt, I'm going to hang it in my dining room, the colours are so pretty.and she also sent a coffe cup holder and some yummy sweets! Love the chocolate with black peppers, it's so different!Thank-you so much Julia and Isabella, I love my prizes they are fabulous!!

Another package arrived in the mail today too, the latest installment for the Pincushion Club, hosted by Quilt Fabric Delights. I love this one, looks like lots of fun! Gigi from Pinks and Needles has injured her arm so until she is fully recovered we'll have to wait patiently for our pin toppers.

I promise the next post will be about our camping trip and what we found!

Sunday, 12 October 2008

Crab apple Hill Pincushion done!

Remember the pincushion for Quilt Fabric Delights Pincushion of the Month by Crab-apple Hill. well I finished it, I said I would!
It was a bit fiddly getting the ball closed and tied off.. The button was simple and the flower was too. Don't look under the flower though cause it's a bit messy just admire it from the top!

Tonight I'll be working on the xmas baubles for my Tassie Blogging Buddies!

Friday, 7 March 2008

Pincushions and Noah's Ark BOM

What a busy week I've hard, I've been juggling 4 crafty projects, scrapbooking , 4 engineering projects plus writing a business case, it's a wonder my brain switches off at night sometimes.

Anyway I'm only going to tell you about the crafty stuff.

Firstly I bloghopped over to Blueberry Lane and found a great competition to win an out of print book by Lynette Anderson and to enter I have to post a picture of my pincushion so here it is.

My son gave him to me years ago, it wasn't meant to be a pincushion it just ended up that way. I've got several others but none have the sentimental value that this one has.

I've also finished Lynette Anderson's first block from her free, yes I said FREE, Noah's Ark BOM. Lynette's been blogging for a year and is posting the BOM as a thank-you to all her readers.

Aren't they gorgeous, the stitchery is only 2" square and was a quick project to do. I can't wait to do the rest! Thank-you Lynette for being so generous!

I'll show some pictures of the scrapbooking another post, still a little bit to do!