Well today it feels like it!
As DS was heading off toschool he came back in the house with two parcels, to his disappointment they were both for me!! I felt like a little kid all over again.
The first parcel is from my Stitchers Angel, the beautiful Lieve Huys (No Blog) who owns a
quilt shop in Belgium

Oops need to unwrap it....

Just look at these beautiful goodies a scissor keep with a little pair of scissors (from French magazine "Quilt Country"), a pincushion (from May Britt's blog), a lovely stitchery and stranded cottons and a gorgeous roll to put my work in!! I've always wanted one of these rolls!! I know Lieve has read my blog because she knows about my addiction to pincushions!
Lieve, you have truly spoilt me, you are one generous angel , thank-you so much I'll treasure it forever!
The second is my PIF from wonderful Stina.
I know she's had a sore hand and I'm just amazed at how beautiful her work is. Look at this lovely wallhanging I should've ironed out the creases before I took a photo but I couldn't wait, just had to show it to you all....
it's beautiful Stina, Thank-you so much!! By the way I ate the chockies and they were scrummy!!
Thank-you ladies you made my day, I'll be smiling from ear to ear all day:-)
I better make a start on my PIFS for Ann J, Karol-Ann & Trashalou!!