Showing posts with label Misc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Misc. Show all posts

Monday, 3 September 2012

Fee's Shabby Shack

My gorgeous friend Fee has an exciting new business opening today.
If you love all things shabby you must go check it out, and you might even win a little prize over there if you do!

So click HERE to find out more! 

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Two Little Chicks

 Two little chicky babes have been visiting with me. They stowed away (Loz did it!) in Helen's luggage and made the crossing to Tasmania. Helen was too busy to play the perfect host as she was preparing for Spring Market so she asked if they could billet at my place for awhile. 

I'm sad to say that not much stitching has been happening around my place lately as Uni and work have had priority but the girls did get to see my craft room and check out my stash.

I did take them on a trip up to the top of Mt Wellington but it was blowing a gale and I didn't want to take them out of the car in case they flew blew away. You couldn't see much anyway as a cloud had settled over the mountain.

So Peg and Dale thank you for visiting my humble abode and I wish you a safe journey as you head to......??
Sorry, can't revel that, you'll have to keep your eyes peeled on blogland to see where they pop up next!

Friday, 6 April 2012

What's up Pussy Cat?

Hands up to all those stitchers out there that have followed Helen and Gail as they trekked alll over Europe showcasing their talent and teaching their skills? They posted regularly on FB so if you've missed it you'll be even more envious, as was I, to learn they visited Tone Finnanger's Studio!!

I'd have squeezed into a suitcase had I have known they'd get to visit the home of Tilda!

But being the lovely friend that Helen is, she thought of me and bought me home a surprise....'s in Norwegian but I don't care cause look what is inside!!!....'s autographed just for me!

Can you tell I was grinning like a cheshire cat when Helen gave it to me.

Thank-you so much Helen, I'll have to make something from it now.

P.S If you visit Helen and Gail's blogs, you'll find a couple of free patterns to download!

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Midnight Madness

We were woken from our sleep to find a bright orange glow filling our bedroom window. Outside was a car on fire burning furiously. Hubby called the fire brigade and then went outside to investigate. It was right next to a power pole that had also caught on fire so he grabbed a neighbours hose to stop it from getting badly damaged. At one stage he was concerned that the car may have struck the pole and there may be an occupant inside, thankfully that was not the case. There was no huge explosion just lots of popping and banging. We were amazed that we hadn't woken sooner or that the dog had heard nothing!
It didn't take long for fire and police to arrive and they dosed the flames out very quickly.

The neighbours had also come out to investigate, one had to move her car as it was parked closely by.

And this is what remains of the Nissan 300 ZX. Police told us that it had been stolen only 1 hour before it had been torched. I feel sorry for the owner of this vehicle as it looked like it was a loved car.
The power pole held up, Aurora came out last night to check that it didn't need stabilising.
We were back in bed by 12:30 but it took us awhile to drift off back to sleep.

Update: A workmate knew the fellow who owned this car and you wouldn't believe it but it was owned by a policeman who had just parked the car near a favourite running spot and came back to find it gone.

Monday, 12 September 2011

Australia Celebrates Sam!

Our latest sporting hero, Sam Stosur wins the US Open!!
I was a little girl when our last female Aussie, Margaret Court won the US Open.

(Photo credit: I'll have to find the link)

I was late for work today as I just had to watch it until the end, there goes my lunch break!
Congratulations Sam!!

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Mojo is near

I'm still waiting for my mojo to surface, I know it's not far off. 
 I've tidied up my craft room which is usually all I need to get the stitching juices flowing again.
I've signed up for a couple of swaps so I'll dedicate some stitching time this weekend.
So watch this space, next time I'll show a picture!

Friday, 2 September 2011

Mojo Come Home!!!

Where have you gone???? Please come back, I miss you!
I've not done an ounce of stitching or scrapping this week.
I've even become desperate and have started reading Wuthering Heights!!

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Memories of Maria, our neighbour

When we moved into our home five years ago a little elderly neighbour yelled out yoo hoo! over the fence and introduced herself and handed us a homebaked cake. Her name was Maria, she was Polish and her english was not fabulous but it was good enough that we could communicate. Maria had left Poland during the war and migrated to Australia with her two children. She remarried in Australia and had lived in the same house and raised her family there.

Maria's husband was in a nursing home and had Alzeihemers, he died that same year we moved in. Maria's daughter Jenny had moved in to help Maria around the home.
Maria has the most amazing vegetable patch which she worked daily and we'd often find a bag of vegies hanging over the fence or our son would come inside with a zuchinni from her.
Maria loved our dog Lucy and Lucy loved being picked up so she could get a pat. She always told me Lucy was a bit fat.
Maria always had a smile on her face and on weekends we'd see her walking to and from the local church, about 500 metres down the street.
In the past few months Maria had become very ill and in the last few weeks was in home palliative care, sadly she passed away on Monday. We'll miss Maria, she was a beautiful neighbour. My deepest sympathy go to Jenny and her family.
RIP Maria xxx

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Belated Sunday Show and Tell

On Sunday I got together with some workmates to wish our friend Ange all the best for the birth of her 3rd little bubba, due in a few more weeks yet. It was also an excuse to hold a crafternoon. Sue (no blog) made Ange a gorgeous quilt, Sue does a fabulous job at putting colours together!

 Ange showed us a quilt she is making for someone special
Fabulous colours!

Sue gave me a gorgeous felted bag, Thank-you Sue!!

 and Greitje, who is one talented artist showed us a wool felt creation she has been working on for "Art on Legs - Wearable Art Awards".
There's also a dress to match. If you happen to read The Mercury (Hobart Newspaper) there was an article and photo in last Friday's paper. Good Luck Greitje!!
I also took a photo of Ally who was busily hand quilting but it didn't save to my disk. Ally was working on a lovely quilt, it was very girly and pretty!

On the sewing table the last few days I've completed Vikki's sweet little angel stitchery 
(If you want to join in on this free BOM there's a link on my sidebar)

and Helen's Stitched Sunday project for Stem Stitch 
I like to keep busy at nights stitching while I watch TV, it's so relaxing.

Just a reminder too that Fee and I will be at the Stitches and Craft Show on Friday,
we hope to see you there!

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Put an end to Brutality! please sign the petition for Getup to join the fight against Live Animal Exports to Indonesia (and the Middle East). They will be going to Parliament today, this morning, with Animals Australia and the RSPCA.

Click the link and add your email address. We must stop this cruel, inhumane and barbaric practice IMMEDIATELY. The Australian tax payer is actually contributing to this practice too which may come as a surprise to you

Please help

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Books and Flowers

I have the loveliest of friends, one who recently returned from adventures in the US bought these back for me, the Nancy Halvorsen one is even signed!

I spent all last night drooling over these books, the Anni Downs book is a must have if you're a fan of her whimsical characters, there's some gorgeous projects to keep you busy for hours!
Thank-you H and next time I'm going with you!

And I just have to show you these....

teeny-tiny crocheted flowers from Jack'n'Jill, great for all crafts!

Monday, 16 May 2011


Last week blogger cut my right arm off and this week it's Yahoo! Yahoo is not playing nicely so I can't respond to any emails or blog comments :-( I can read your blogs though!

Tuesday, 3 May 2011


Apologies to all who have received an email in their inbox from me subject Shoppybag, please do not accept it, delete it, it's spam. Hopefully I can sort it out and you'll stop receiving them.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Mother Nature's at it again!

Mother Nature is at it again and struck a cruel blow to our neighbour, New Zealand.
My thoughts and prayers are with all those in Christchurch affected by another earthquake.

Friday, 18 February 2011

RIP Brenda

This week we sadly farewell my lovely Aunty Brenda. I spent alot of my youth at her house, playing with my cousin Carrie. Brenda's chocolate cakes and trifle were always a treat.
I have lots of lovely memories that I will cherish forever.

Today my thoughts are with Uncle Graeme, Cousin's Don, Neri, Gareth and Carrie and their partners and children. Wish I could be there with you all.
RIP Brenda xxx

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Lovely Lunch

Special lunchdate today with lovely friends, Fee & Sarah
Thanks for the great company ladies!

Thursday, 3 February 2011

A Sleepless Night

We've woken this morning to news that areas around Mission Beach and Tully have been hardest hit and thankfully no lives have been lost, I'm praying that remains so as the morning unfolds.
After Cyclone Tracy, the building regulations in Australia changed forever and it seems that all structures built after Tracy have the strength to withstand such a severe storm. There are however older buildings that after Cyclone Larry may have weakened from the gusts of winds and probably not held up to the powerful gusts of Yasi but these are all replaceable and lives are not. As fair dinkum aussies we will rally together in assisting these communities in whichever way we can to help them get back on their feet.
Hugs to all

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Queenslanders battle mother nature again

Well it was only a couple of weeks ago we were all talking about the devastating floods, which by the way are still working their way down through Australia, and now we turn to another potentially catastrophic event.
This has been highlighted in The Courier Mail (A Queensland newspaper). This picture is quite grim and compares Hurricane Katrina to Cyclone Yasi amongst other well know cyclones Tracy in 1974 and Larry in 2006. The comparison is frightening.
(for a better picture from Courier Mail go Here)
I think this picture says it all.

Some people are getting out while they can and others are staying to watch their homes, a very brave bunch.
To all my Northern Queensland relatives and friends, batten down the hatches and stay safe, I'm thinking of you all.

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

This 'n That

Fee and I had our xmas lunch yesterday at a local hotel, can't go past Chicken parmy, chips and salad. It was scrumptious, especially with a Cascade Blonde great thirst quencher on a hot day. We exchanged gifts, Fee really spoilt me with a beautiful handmade pouch and needlecase
and two books I've been wanting to buy
now I can definitely part in Chookyblue's Stitch-a-long for 2011
but I do need to finish the Gardner's Journal top first.
Awhile ago I won a giveaway on "It's and Alien Life's blog" and in the mail arrived Punkin, she's so cute and is now feeling right at home amongst some of my other raggy dolls (She's the one in the middle!)
Thank-you ValeryAnne!
Arriving this week was a Xmas package from one of the Club Quilt Narromine ladies, Carol.
This swap was arranged by Maree from On My Verandah
I was only allowed to open one gift and I must say I was blown away, Carol's stitching is so beautiful!
I feel so spoilt!! Thank-you Carol, I can't wait to unwrap the rest on Xmas Day!
My parcel was also recieved by Gai, also one of the Club Quilt Narromine Girls.

I haven't done a great deal of stitching the last few weeks, work has been happening around the home which has disrupted life a little.
Thank-you to my darling husband for the endless hours you have put in to getting the room ready for the installation of our brand new kitchen!
After Xmas we'll arrange the splashbacks and tiling but in the meantime we have hallway walls to paint and more cement sheeting to nail down. Oh and blinds to hang back up on the window and a corner to be fitted around the top of the cupboards.
That's our christmas present this year and I'm enjoying cooking in my new kitchen.
Have a lovely day everybody!