Showing posts with label GJ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GJ. Show all posts

Friday, 13 January 2012

No More Procrastinating

Well today was the last day of my annual leave (sob, sob) I still have the weekend though but that'll go in the blink of an eye.
I chose today to buckle down and put my Gardener's Journal top together

I had joined in with Chookyblue's Stitchalong back in 2010 and I procrastinated so much about this quilt that I didn't finish it on time, so here we are in 2012 and I'm just finishing the top. I'll get myself some wadding and finish it this year, really I will!

Monday, 21 February 2011

What a great stitching week I've had!

It's been a busy week at my place, lots of stitching to show and with hubby away for a weekend I squeezed in as much stitching as I could. Plus it was my rostered day-off today so what else can I do but stitch but it's where I stitched that made it most enjoyable.

So to start with I finished two more Gardener's Journal blocks, only two more to go.
Block E
and Block F.
I'll be having another big week of stitching at nights to finish the remaining two blocks and putting the top together so I can join in the Tis the Season Stitch-a-long on time.

Next I started and came very close to finishing the Bunny Love cushion that Shell sent me, look Shell I nearly finished it!
one more vine to go and then lots of beads to sew on.

And where was I stitching today, where else but Toby's, oh I mean his mumma's place, Fee's!
Isn't he the sweetest little dog, such a cutie.

Better sit down for this Stina I finally finished your bear! it's only taken me 12 months, actually longer, she's going to be headed your way this week. She's a little bit of sunshine from the South Pole going to the North Pole to brighten a cold chilly day

Thank-you for all the lovely messages regarding my Aunty's passing, they're greatly appreciated.

Monday, 7 February 2011

Block C and a Message to Mother Nature

Another Gardener's Journal block finished, only 4 to go.

Message for Mother Nature
Fair suck of the Sav Miss Mother Nature, don't you think you've inflicted enough  pain on Australia?
You've dished out enough already, how about some good news for us!
Heat waves in New South Wales, Flash Floods in Victoria and Fires in Western Australia, don't you think you've gotten a bit carried away?

Message to my fellow Aussies

Stay Safe, no matter what is thrown at you, she'll have to run out of steam soon!

Monday, 24 January 2011

Slow progress

 I'm making slow progress on Gardener's Journal, blocks D & H are now complete.

I haven't given up on this quilt yet, I'll get it finished one day!

I posted Bec's Stitching Around the Block to Kez today and before I do anymore GJ I have to complete Round 4 of Kez's block.....which means lots of Hexies!

Happy Stitching!