It's been a busy week at my place, lots of stitching to show and with hubby away for a weekend I squeezed in as much stitching as I could. Plus it was my rostered day-off today so what else can I do but stitch but it's where I stitched that made it most enjoyable.
So to start with I finished two more Gardener's Journal blocks, only two more to go.
Block E
and Block F.
I'll be having another big week of stitching at nights to finish the remaining two blocks and putting the top together so I can join in the Tis the Season Stitch-a-long on time.
Next I started and came very close to finishing the Bunny Love cushion that Shell sent me, look Shell I nearly finished it!
one more vine to go and then lots of beads to sew on.
And where was I stitching today, where else but Toby's, oh I mean his mumma's place, Fee's!
Isn't he the sweetest little dog, such a cutie.
Better sit down for this Stina I finally finished your bear! it's only taken me 12 months, actually longer, she's going to be headed your way this week. She's a little bit of sunshine from the South Pole going to the North Pole to brighten a cold chilly day
Thank-you for all the lovely messages regarding my Aunty's passing, they're greatly appreciated.