Showing posts with label Altered Art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Altered Art. Show all posts

Saturday 4 January 2014

Mojo Mojoing Along Nicely

This week I created a Winter White Lace Tag for a swap at An Altered Place. This was so much fun, I just kept adding bits until I was satisfied. It's currently winging it's way to Japan.
Elaine from Craftee Owls was far more organised than me and I received hers last week, it's gorgeous, Thank-you Elaine!

I also did a bit of "Off the Paging" and assembled this little drawer unit.
I love that my mojo has begun to flow these past two weeks.
I've even started Fee's Stitch A Long,
and I'm going to make every effort to do this each month, and I've already finished the first block.
 I'm using a charmpack from my stash of Northcote Range by Moda.
Will you be joining in?

Sunday 10 February 2013


This is the 'F' ATC I received from Carol for the Altered Papers Alphabet ATC swap.
'F for Flamingo'.
'G' is next, mine is on it's way to Edilza.

Monday 28 January 2013

Envelopes and Flowers

'F' for flowers ATC made for Carol(no blog) in The Altered Papers Alphabet ATC swap.
This was my first attempt at Paper Tole, fiddly but fun!

This is the E ATC I received from Laura - E for envelope, isn't it sweet!
Thank you Laura

Monday 17 December 2012

Altered Art Swaps Keep Coming

This week I received two parcels, one from Ana for The Altered Papers Alphabet ATC swap, Letter D and the other from Diane for the Once a Month Tag Swap 'Christmas'.

Diane's tag has the cutest snowman on it, he looks vintage, love him! Thank-you Diane

I love Ana's packaging

And the ATC 'D for doll' is very clever

Plus Ana sent me some fantastic papers and a feather for future projects!
Thank-you Ana!

Saturday 24 November 2012

D for Dressform ATC

Here's my latest creation for The Altered Paper's ATC Alphabet swap
D for Dressform, made for Ana @ Scrap da Ana Caldatto
I used a chipboard precut dressform and made the stand from wire.

Thursday 1 November 2012

Letter C ATC

This is the Letter C ATC I made for Joanna @ Gracious Rabbit Bones in a monthly swap hosted by Tee @ The Altered Paper
Letter C ATC

Monday 1 October 2012

More altering swapping

This months ATC letter was B and I made this for Marilyn @ The Tarnished Rose
B for Balloon!

Marilyn sent me B for Bird
plus all these wonderful extra goodies
Thank-you Marilyn for being a terrific swap partner! I'll get hours of fun creating with these goodies!

Now to spooky matters, Tee @ The Altered Paper also hosted an Denim Pocket Halloween Swap and I was lucky to have Tee's mum Frannie (No Blog Yet) as my partner, I sent Frannie all of these goodies
My altered pocket filled to the brim with ribbons, stickers, buttons, fabric, skeleton plus..

an altered tag...
and a handmade black cat (these are so quick to whip up!)

Frannie did the most amazing job altering a pocket for me, I love all the halloween diecuts 
 and back
and inside was filled with awesome goodies
 plus a vial of walnut crystals, perfect for staining ribbons, lace and just about everything!
and a spooky skeleton!
Thank-you Frannie, I feel very lucky to have you for my partner in this swap!

No stitching has been occurring around here lately as Uni and work have been swamping me. I've got 4 assignments left to do and only one two-day workshop to attend and then Uni will be over. I drove home Saturday night from the last two-day workshop and it was snowing at Spring Hill, it was almost a blizzard and in my little car it was a bit scary, so I took it slowly and even pulled over a couple of times. The flakes were nearly 2" in diameter, the biggest I've ever seen.

So to all my stitching friends I will be back stitching by Christmas and hopefully there'll be some of my own designs being released in the new year.

Friday 7 September 2012

ATC extra A

Tee from The Altered Paper asked if I could make another 'A' ATC for a new gal who wanted to join the monthly alphabet ATC swap. This is the card I created except just before I posted it I added the word 'wings' under angel

This went to Kamali (no blog) , I'll show you next time the gorgeous card Kamali made for me.

It's absolutely freezing in Tassie tonight, i wouldn't be surprised to see snow in our backyard in the morning. Perfect weather for locking myself away with my computer to do a uni assignment which is due next week, so no distractions please, don't go posting beautiful pictures, I need to focus!

Wednesday 29 August 2012

....and even more altered goodies!

In an earlier post I mentioned I had joined The Altered Paper's Tag a Month Swap, my tag made for me by Mercedes @ All Things Pretty arrived and it's gorgeous.
The Theme was bathing beauties and I love Mercedes take on the theme, if you look closely there is a crab pinching the girls bottom! 
Her package also included other ephemera, some that I don't think I could ever cut into they're so pretty! 
Thank you Mercedes!
Mercedes creates many beautiful things and I spent ages on her blog looking at all the eye candy.

For those of you who are asking what I do with my tags and ATC's, some are just hanging around the place, some of my ATC collection are in folder sleeves, the kind that sportscards fit into and some are in boxes. They're a good size little project to work on and be creative.

If you're interested in monthly tag swaps just pop over to Tee's blog @ The Altered Paper and if you join in you could win a monthly prize like this one that I received for August. 6"x6" paper pad full of the prettiest papers and some of Tee's handmade goodies.

Thanks Tee!

Tuesday 28 August 2012

More ATC Swapping

My partner in the The Altered Paper's Face Only ATC Swap was Olivia @ Olivia's Creative Quest. Here's the lovely card she created for me...
Olivia also included some extra pieces for crafting with and a gorgeous handmade thank-you card....
.... with the cutest little stamp on the back
Thank you Olivia for being a lovely swap partner.

And I have to mention another angel in my life and that's Kerri, she's so generous, look at the gorgeous bundle she sent for my birthday last month.
Kerri and I were introduced by blogging, what a wonderful tool this is for creating friendships.
Thank-you Kez!! Love ya lots!

Thursday 9 August 2012


This post is about angels, there's the angels we create.....

This is the ATC I've created for Amy @ The Crafty Book Nerd in the Alphabet ATC swap, I love that she's also holding an apple.
There's angels whose style and creativity we admire and whose blogs we follow like Lisa @ Olive Grove Primitives.
Lisa owns a bricks and mortar shop called Inn Country on the northside of Brisbane, far far away from me so the best place to look inside her shop is through facebook here or the Inn Country blog. I went window shopping and a few emails later this sweet little cage is in my house. Fabulous customer service and I also received the rose and the most divine wax melt!
 I'm going to make a little birdy to sit inside on a little swing!

...and then there's those angels we call our friends.
Fee is one of my angels, she's generous, warm, inspiring, thoughtful, caring, the list is endless.  I sometimes complain about issues in my life but they're so small in comparison to the challenges Fee and her family have faced over the last few years. Today Fee and  I managed to catch up at lunchtime and she gave me this birthday present, it's been a few weeks since we'd seen each other.

There's a lovely owl compendium, bunny pincushion kit and a lavendar sachet, oh and a little tube of hand cream that I left at work on my desk. Thank-you Fee, love you lots!

Those of you that know Fee, please say a prayer for her Mum tonight as she's recovering from major surgery.

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Discover Yourself

This is not the post about the Alphabet ATC I made but about the Face Only ATC I made for Olivia @ Olivia's Creative Quest. I had forgotten to take a photo before I posted and Olivia has taken a lovely one in a beautiful setting so I can show you
I do enjoy working on these small scale projects. Each ATC is only 2 1/2" x 3 1/2 ".  
It's probably hard to tell from the photo but I made the flowers on her headband in 3D and added glossy accents to the beads, earrings, ribbon and those blue eyes to make them shine.
Tomorrow I WILL show you the Alphabet ATC I made for Amy.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Altering Things

These past few weeks I've enjoyed a wee bit of papercrafting, I love to do these little projects everynow and again and there's been some fun swaps to be involved in.
Tee from The Altered Paper holds lots of great swaps, the most recent swap was for an altered tag and the theme was Sun Bathing Beauties, so here's my creation made for Mercedes @ All Things Pretty...

I've even sent a message in a wee bottle!
Mercedes creates the most gorgeous things, I'd love to visit her studio and you can too if you check out her blog.

Tomorrow I'll show you the ATC I made for Amy for the Alphabet ATC Swap, it's very cute!

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Clip, Clip, Paperclip!

I joined a swap recently held by The Altered Paper to alter a couple of large paperclips into bookmarks. 

My lovely swap partner was Amy from The Crafty Book Nerd. Amy is very creative and very generous. Look a the bookmarks she made, so pretty, I think I'll put these on my favourite craft books.
I love the little cameo on this one
and when I said Amy is generous she is REALLY generous,
look at this bundle of goodies, perfect for those little altered art projects I love to make
Thankyou Amy, I hope to swap with you again sometime.
I'm joining The Altered Paper's next swap too "Face Only ATC" why don't you check it out and join in too, for all the details visit here you have until the 14th July to sign up!

Thursday 12 January 2012

Crafting Mojo

Yesterday I had the pleasure of Fee's youngest daughter for company. We had our crafting mojo happening and made altered tags, canvas art and even managed a few scrapbook pages. Here's the tags I made...

Thanks for the company Miss A, I enjoyed being creative with you. I'm sure Fee will show some of Miss A's work on her blog.

Talking about the lovely Fee, here's the xmas pressie she made for me
The chocolates vanished quickly and the pretty doily now sits proudly on my bedside table. The thread will come in handy on a future project and the babushka pencil case holds my treasured pens. Thank-you Fee!!

Only a few more days left of my annual leave, the new craft room is coming along slowly, took us three days to strip the wallpaper and the walls need replastering now. I've managed to read 3 books during the holidays, have done a little stitching but the next few days I plan to do more so I better get to it!
Catcha Later!

Monday 2 January 2012


The last swap I participated in for 2011 was a Tag Book Swap hosted by Jean of Lilac Lane Livery. A bit of altered art is a fun distraction from stitching and helps to get those creatice juices flowing. My partner was Donna of Red Apple Junction, here's the gorgeous package she made for me including a bundle of buttons and other great pieces.
Oops the photo doesn't show the sweet charm closure on the bag, must get a photo!

The tags are all so very pretty! Thank-you so much Donna, they're now on display in my craft room.
(I'll have to get myself one of those crackle stamps, makes a fabulous background)

Here's the package I put together for Donna

Lots of fun putting these together!

Just one more post on swaps received, I'll do that tomorrow night.
Tomorrow I'm off to do a bit of stitching and catching up with these lovely Ladies, Fee and Helen.