The girls had their picture taken at school on February 19th. Just like last year I am not pleased with the result. I don't like the colors, and again the picture is not sharp. I think my own amateur photographer can do a better job. LOL! I had a different hairdo in mind for Sanne - I so love her curls - but she had something else in mind. She insisted on having two little piggy tails. I was in a hurry, already late for work, but....she REALLY wanted to have piggy tails. Do you know that 5-year olds can be really stubborn and persistent? So I quickly did her hair, and it shows, doesn't it? The individual pictures will be taken in April.
Hanneke tagged me earlier this week. You may already know that I don't like all these tag games. However, I did decide to do this one so you get to know me a little bit better. BUT....this is really my LAST tag game. Sorry!
4 jobs I have had:
- Shop-girl @ bric-a-brac shop (weekend job)
- Secretary @ a liquor trade company (May - October 1988)
- Secretary @ Cognos (October 1988 - December 1997) - place I met Eric
- Secretary @ PriceWaterhouseCoopers (now part of IBM) (January 1998 - March 2007)
- Secretary @ Hiemstra & De Vries (management consultancy firm) (August 2007 - present)
Sorry had to name 5
4 movies I watched:
I hardly watch movies, so no recent movies
- Four Weddings & a Funeral
- Notting Hill
- You've Got Mail
- Bridget Jones' Diary 1 & 2
4 cities I have seen:
- Vancouver, Canada
- George Town, Cayman Islands
- Stockholm, Sweden
- San Francisco, USA
and many other cities
4 places I have lived:
- Mijdrecht (place of birth)
- Utrecht
- Nieuwegein
- IJsselstein
4 favorite TV programmes:
- House
- De Wereld Draait Door
- Masterchef @ BBC
- Idols
I hardly watch TV, but managed to name 4
4 favorite radio stations
- Radio 538 (Evers staat op)
- Skyradio
These 2 are my favorites
4 favorite recipes/food
- Indonesian food
- Stir-fried dishes
- Salads
- French fries with lots of mayonaise (yeah...I know)
I wish I could name more than just 4 (LOL!)
4 place I would like to be:
- Vancouver, Canada (I was there in 1999 and would love to go back)
- Melbourne, Australia (to visit my SIL and her family, and scrap together)
- New York, USA (I have never been there, but would love to go there)
- home....because there is no place like home.
If you like to play this game too.....consider yourself tagged.
Thanks for stopping by!
What a cute baby you were Ingrid. The picture of the girls might not be sharp, but at least it's a memory from their schooldays. Sanne's hair looks fine! Enjoy your workshop on Sunday. xox
wat grappig dat jij in Mijdrecht bent geboren! Ik heb daar van mijn 11e tot mijn 24e gewoond! En wij gaan ook weer terug hopelijk binnen nu en 2 jaar!!
it's a small world!
Druk druk druk dus...
Ik heb de foto's ook allemaal klaar, heb alleen geen baby/kinderfoto's van mijzelf...
Ik heb onwijs veel zin in het weekend, ga zo even de laatste spulletjes kopen :o).
Leuk om te lezen allemaal hoor, ik zal je nooooooooit weer taggen, LOL!
Tot zaterdag!
XxX Hanneke
Veel plezier dit weekend!!!
Heel veel plezier dit weekend Ingrid!!! Die foto is super! Wat een schatje :)
groetjes Wilma
Wat een schattige babyfoto! Ben benieuwd wat je ermee gaat maken :) Leuk ook om die weetjes over je te lezen.
Heel veel plezier met de workshop dit weekend en gezellig met Hanneke, dat gaat vast heel leuk worden :)
heel veeel plezier dit weekend! en oooh wat een cutie die foto van vroeger ben benieuwd wat daar mee gemaakt gaat worden!
Your girls are so pretty, even though your husband's pictures are better, the girls' beauty overshadows any lesser quality photo.
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