Showing posts with label treats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label treats. Show all posts

February 6, 2018

FOLD OVER BOX - Video Tutorial and Written Instructions


Today I am sharing with you how to make a "Fold Over Box",  a tutorial by Liz Walker Combine gift and card in one!
First take a look at my creations, I love this type of box and it is a big seller!

How to make this Box!

If you prefer to watch a video follow this LINK


Follow these written instructions (Picture Tutorial)

You will need :

2 pieces of 6" x 9" card stock ( I used white)
4 pieces of 6" x 6" (Choose a pattern)
2 pieces of 6" x 3" ( Choose a pattern)
2 pieces of 12" ribbon
1 piece of 10" x 10" cardstock (this will make the box)
1 piece of 4" x 4 " pattern paper
8 pieces of 3" x 4 " pattern paper (along sides of box, inside and out)

Outer Part 

1. Take the 2 pieces of 6 " x 9 " card and score @  3 " along the long side once for each piece.
2. Fold and adhere both 3" sides together (refer to picture below)

3. Glue ribbon onto each end as shown in picture below.

4. Adhere top and bottom pattern paper 6" x 6" ,  the top will be decorated so make sure you put the piece you want decorated in the right spot.  You want to make sure the card front is on the top and bottom so they match.

5. Adhere rest of pieces.

Now for the box -" Inner Part"

6. Cut a piece of paper 10" by 10" plain cardstock

7. Score @ 3 " on every side of the paper

8. Cut into the corners to make tabs so that when you fold it together you can adhere it to form a box. 

9.  Fold along score lines and adhere tabs to form the box. Refer to pictures below

10. Decorate box: Put 4" x 4 " pattern paper on the bottom of the box. 

11. Put 3" by 4"  pieces of paper inside the box along the sides and also outside if you choose. 

12. Adhere box to the outer part  by centering it and pushing down, I used tacky glue so it would allow me to move it once it was placed to center it.

13. Tie the ribbon and decorate the top of the box.

Have a great day!

February 3, 2018

Valentines Candy Box With a Slot for Gift Cards


Today I am showing a treat box I made for Valentines, what I love about this treat box is it has a slot on the top part for a gift card! 

I learned how to do these from StampingWithAmour , she did a Christmas theme but it could apply to all occasions.
Click HERE for the the tutorial.
Have a great day!

FOLD OVER BOX - Video Tutorial and Written Instructions

Hello! Today I am sharing with you how to make a "Fold Over Box",  a tutorial by Liz Walker Combine gift and card in o...

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