Yay & Happy TGIFriday stampin' friends!! It's the weekend--wahoo & I have absolutely no plans other than to finish my Dan Brown book (compelling & hard to put down) & catch up on projects! Hubby is taking the kids to the Frederick, MD fair tomorrow but I'm not going---I'm so "faired" out, we've gone to at least 2 fairs every year since the kids were born & I'm just not in the mood this year plus I need to catch up on projects & Etsy orders. On the 27th we're going to a Hot Air Balloon Rally near Warrenton, VA & I'm looking forward to that--that will be my fair experience this year, hee hee! I'm hoping the weather this weekend is MUCH better than it has been the past couple of days--dreary & rainy, YUCK!
Seems like I'm not the only one getting less than 5 hours of sleep a night, LOL! I got one comment from "Angelwood" saying she wants to poke her peacefully sleeping hubby & that cracked me up cuz' that's how I feel. I asked him the other night how he can just lay down, clear his mind & fall asleep in 1 minute flat! It disgusts me I tell ya', LMBO--I will purposefully poke him or ask him questions just to keep him awake sometimes (yes I'm a meanie sometimes, hee hee)--I don't know how men do it. I have NEVER laid down & been able to clear my head that fast--it normally takes me an hour to fall asleep cuz' my mind is racin' I tell ya, and sometimes that's when I have my best ideas :o) Oh well, maybe one day sleep will come easier--we'll see!
-Susana's Custom Art & Card Design has the NEW BASIC GREY papers (Indian Summer, Eskimo Kisses & Eerie collections), buttons & brads IN STOCK NOW HERE--so run & get yours!
-7 Kids College Fund has the cutie-palicious Whiff of Joy Christmas stamps up for Pre-Order right HERE--those mice will steal your heart I tell ya!! (shipping mid-October)
-Note: If a word is in italics in my blog than it is most likely a link that you can click on :o)
-Hmm...somethin's up at Pink Cat Studio starting next Tuesday!! Keep a look out!!height="180"/>
Have a fabulous weekend & I'll see ya back here on Monday!