Hello friends & Happy Monday to you all! Hope ya had a fabulous weekend! Ours was fine--not super exciting but not boring, hee hee! We spent Saturday having a "Dean Family Jammie" day & I read basically most of the day! Finished my Dan Brown book (quite a page turner but not as good as Demon's & Angels in my opinion but good anyhow), started a new book by Kate Morton and read a stack of magazines. I also made 2 batches of soups to freeze in my new Pressure Cooker which I can't believe I never had before---love it (thanks hubby)! Sunday, hubby took the kids to the Frederick, MD fair for the day while I caught up on mounds of projects for some new releases coming up (shhh...lots of stuff comin' here to ScrapBitz, hee hee)! And today, blissfully nothing going on either 'cept a quick trip to the grocery store and post office! Oh yeah & some projects to finish & work on of course!
-Pink Cat Studio has somethin' up their sleeves & it's coming tomorrow!! Make sure & stop by my blog tomorrow cuz' I have a small hand in it, hee hee!!
-Susana's Custom Art & Card Design has a DOUBLE RELEASE coming to you next week on September 29th!! Two Artists, Two Sets of Stamps--Elisabeth Bell & Victoria Case images coming your way & you won't wanna miss it! Stay tuned for peeks & blog candy!!
-NEW Penny Johnson & Rachelle Anne Miller stamps are available HERE at 7 Kids College Fund! They are sooooooooo cute, you will want them all, hee hee!
I colored her with Copics to match the fun Basic Grey "Lime Rickey" paper--wild & crazy just like this gal!! I added some fun buttons & dotted bows to decorate the card and that fun sentiment is from Hanna's Stamps & you can find it HERE!
Hope you have a fabulous Monday & I'll see ya back here tomorrow!