Happy TGIFriday everyone! I hope your week has been great! I have spent the past couple days in NYC…yep it was a secret getaway trip…shhhh! Hubby sent me up there as a getaway…he’s been bugging me for over a month to go away hahahaha. No really he thought I needed some time off with no distractions or any responsibilities for a few days…guess he knew my stress was high and that I might blow at any moment and he didn’t want to be around me when I did No he’s a good hubby like that and after 18 years he recognized the signs and knows…so he happily sent me up to NYC on Tuesday where I met a couple of friends and had NO schedule for 2 days. I walked around, shopped and took in a show….we saw “The Performers” which is an off-color comedy on Broadway…if you don’t like off-color you may not like it. It appealed to my sense of humor and was really funny plus Henry Winkler (the Fonz) and Alicia Silverstone were in it. Afterwards I got to meet them both….I was tickled pink…yup I let out a small squeak when I hugged him, The Fonz woweeee…he will ALWAYS be the Fonz to me from Happy Days. I was so thrilled to meet him seriously a great honor! Sp it was a fun, quick 2 days…just what the doctor ordered. Best part is I can color again, well I’ve been cleared for action anyway. My wrist is still sore but I can hold my marker for a bit longer with out pain and weird jerks that send the color flying everywhere LOL. I missed it so much…coloring for me is my ZEN…my way to get out of my head for a bit and relax…kinda like yoga or meditation for some I guess you could say. And when you take that away….well I tend to let things build up a bit you could say…so I had no stress outlet. And always at the end of the year I start feeling a bit burnt out…not that it hasn’t been a great year and all that, just a busy year and come end of Oct I start getting tired, the year catches up with me. So that on top of not being able to color and some other things going on…well I was in a bit of a funk..ugh! So the breather was good and after my trip to Canada first week of Nov to teach I am done for the year and can start to prep for the holidays…my FAVE time of the year…yup 12 trees going up again of course LOL!
So today the SCACD girls are taking normal-everyday stamps and decking them out in a fun & spook-a-licious way for you!! WHY? Ummm cuz Halloween is Wed and its just fun!! I decided to model my card on one of my favorite tv shows “The Addams Family”…yup the original one with Carolyn Jones. I loved that show and I’m hoping to take the family to NYC soon to see it on Broadway! I used one of the newest SCACD stamps from Eyes of Fable Collection and this is “Vintage Eyes”….she got colored up Addams Family Style!! Sing it with me…and I’m SORRY if you have it going thru your head ALL DAY LONG…LIKE ME! LOL!
Mysterious and spooky,
They're all together ooky,
The Addams Family. (snap snap)
I used older papers from MME “Meadowlark” and inked them all with gray ink and distressed the edges. Then I pulled out my creepiest embellies LOL…black tulle, flowers airbrushed black, a hatpin, black stickles and a Marianne Designs vine die. I stamped a cobweb stamp around the main image & used Viva Décor Pearl Pen in black to add pearls to the web, her buttons & her hair. Yes, yes I know Morticia wore only black but I HAD to have a bit of contrast in her hair and dress so I used Copics R29,R22,R20 with W5 to deepen it. And I changed the pretty flower to my version of a Venus Flytrap LOL…they always had kooky, mean plants so I HAD to change it a bit! The fun sentiment is from an old MFT set I had and it says “Totally Witchin’”. The shine in her eyes isn’t wickedness hee hee but Diamond Glaze!
Where people come to see 'em
They really are a scream
The Addams Family. (snap snap)
A broomstick you can crawl on
We're gonna pay a call on
The Addams Family. (snap snap)