Well hello friends and Happy Friday to you! Wow—it’s the weekend already LOL! I hope you have a great weekend planned for yourselves! Oh boy I am still resting and working and catching up from the past few weeks—whewwwwheeee is all I’ll say. But of course I have some stories for you---I was in VEGAS where there is always a story, LOL! (well they seem to follow me I think)
South Carolina was a blast and I had so much fun hanging out with my good friends
Pat Jaynes & Dana Shaw. I laughed and talked so much my ribs STILL hurt---the three of use together is BAD, but good kinda bad, hee hee! We saw Bridesmaids the movie and I’m still quoting it—in fact I might go see it again this weekend with hubby cuz’ I enjoyed it so much! Visiting the Biltmore House in Asheville was another check off of my bucket list and it was amazing and fun to see with my pals. I want to go there this fall for a weekend anniversary trip with my hubby—we’ve wanted to do it for awhile and now that Southwest flies to Greenville it will be an easy weekend trip for us. So thanks to Pat, Dana and the rest of the gals I got to meet & visit with in South Carolina---it was great to see you all!
**WARNING---no alcohol was involved in this trip minus 1 glass of wine, I kid you not! Long story AHEAD! What Happens In Vegas, Suzanne ALWAYS tells LOL!!**
Ok—so after a 7.5 hour drive home from SC after only about 7 hours of sleep over 4 nights I got home and went right to my pedicurist’s chair, LOL. I don’t remember the drive home (ummm scary, lol) but I do recommend getting a leg/foot massage if you’ve taught for 20+ hours like me and need some help. Got home, worked on projects, did laundry and repacked my suitcase for Vegas and left at 7 am the next morning. I flew to Long Beach, CA on my first leg of my flight and I must say I was so exhausted I was asleep before we took off (I have that ability now yes, lol) and slept 4.5 of the 6 hour flight. Got into Long Beach and if you’ve never been there its TINY but I love it—you walk down stairs onto the tarmac into a tiny building that’s the airport. Well I sat down for my 1.5 hour layover and spotted WHO?
A grown up Harry Potter or Simon Cowell’s twin—I’m not really sure which one, LOL (see photo below). Then the
small airport alarm goes off---WHERE? Right over my head, hee hee and NOPE I swear it wasn’t me but everyone was looking at me like it was, LOL. I just waved and smiled and said loudly it must have been my contraband in my bag! (yes I have no shame) Get on the plane to Vegas and a guy sits in the aisle seat cuz of COURSE I have my window seat and he says the words I hear ALL THE TIME “did you fly from Dulles cuz’ I recognize your pink travel pillow” LMBO! Well he was the nicest guy, in his 60’s and a self-made millionaire who had been in my neck of the woods in VA visiting his daughter. Needless to say he knew “people” at my hotel the
Encore and got me bumped up to a
TOWER SUITE for no charge and a VIP table and entry to the Blush nightclub in the Wynn, hee hee. SEE IT DOES PAY TO TALK & BE NICE TO PEOPLE!! I have his card and next time I go to Vegas I will let him know, lol (and yes I met his wife so no weird thoughts ok, lol). Well let’s just say that the flight was BUMPY which didn’t upset me but made me laugh---no I wasn’t drunk but perhaps exhaustion has a similar effect, yeah second thought it surely must! I managed to spill my whole soda on myself, my Ipad and my feet LOL and had everyone wiping me down---it was a bit comical and I’m laughing hysterically like I’m a mental patient the whole time. If my clothes stay clean for a whole day I’m doing REAAAAL good! So we land and I’m walking down the little tunnel off the plane (forget what they call them but I like to say tunnels cuz its fun) in Vegas and
yep Suzanne takes a massive SPILL over absolutely NOTHING and managed to land flat on my face along with all the contents of my bag (no I was not texting, or angry, or asleep). I’m totally blaming it on my lack of sleep at this point—the poor people of Vegas were getting quite a view of me, hee hee. And this is trip/fall #1000 for me so I am NEVER surprised or embarrassed! Got to my hotel and do you think I could find my room, too many elevators going different places and I was all over the Encore in the first 25 mins I kid you not, even ended down in the spa somehow and talked to some nice folks that helped me out. I swear they try to get you lost in those casinos and point in wrong directions so you’ll gamble more—its their evil plan you know but AHA I figured them out Ha Ha!
And do you think I could figure out how to close the blinds in my room—NO! Who knew they were automatic, and who knew they had HIDDEN the darn remote in a drawer. So yes I called down to the front desk to ask how to close them, hee hee—I am very smart (well I think so) but I couldn’t for the life of me figure it out---I told them they needed to NOT HIDE the remote, DUH!!! And I’m sure they were thinking well “she’s a total dumb-a**)! Well my friends and I met up and we gambled (I won a whopping $500 the first night—yay me, lucky me, who knew) and went to dinner and then nightclubbed it cuz yes I love to dance & sing. I’ve been clubbing since I was 17 going into Washington, DC every weekend to dance, I love it almost as much as airport sing-a-longs. I met my homeboy (hee hee)
Lil’ Wayne (yes I like his music) and danced with him ahem………..on the stage for a bit, hee hee. Hey if you ask me to dance the answer is almost ALWAYS YES (and yes hubby knew). Then we headed to Harrah’s to their outdoor club
"Carnaval Court" and had front row seats for the great band “The Crashers” and I danced for 3 hours straight. Where my energy comes from? I HAVE NOT A CLUE PEOPLE, LOL---
but it could be true that I run on rechargeable batteries <wink> Passed out in bed that night for sure (gotta recharge) and no there was no alcohol involved for me---that just makes me sick & sleepy, not a good combo for Suzanne. Give me a few Cokes and I’m good to go for hours & hours—poor people, my poor friends and yes my poor family LOL!
Next day I met my friend
Terri of Stamps Alive! for lunch and some shopping in the 101 degree weather---perhaps Waldo joined us—you’ll have to see below….hmmmm. That night we did dinner by limo, went to see
Cirque de Soleil’s “LOVE” which is set to Beatles music and it was FABULOUS! Then onto a club for more dancing and gambling—I’m pretty sure I was numb and delirious at this point cuz I don’t remember too much, LOL. I
know I won lots more money after befriending the dealer whose name was “Sammie” and I’m pretty sure he felt sorry for me. And yes I befriend lots of people, that’s why we are here on earth so get to talking to peeps, you never know what you may find out or who you will meet. He basically told me how to play BlackJack and helped me win a few hands---he also kept me in good supply of Coke, lol. (yes I’m SURE he felt sorry for my delirious self) I asked him lots of “gambling inappropriate questions” as my friends say like where he lived, what his story was and why he kept pulling Aces and I was pulling 2’s LOL! Since it was my last night we were out till 2 am and I got to meet a TON of drag queens—whooowheee they were good, LOL. I met Lady Gaga, Cher, Madonna and more---these queens were hilarious, I think I was meant to party with people like this cuz we had a blast dancing and chatting.
And then I had a great cabbie driver while I was there, his name was Toni and I’m pretty sure he was a guy but I cannot confirm that as an “i” on the end of his name was a bit suspicious, LOL. I had his card and he was my cabbie as I texted him (poor guy) when we needed him during my stay---he loved us

I’m sure I gave him a few laughs and fell into the taxi a few times in my heels and skirts as I’m not the most graceful person in the world at times. You are asking why I wear heels aren’t ya? Well I always wear heels or wedges—ask anyone that knows me, I prefer them and I don’t care if I fall everyday it will NEVAH STOP ME!! I asked Toni with an “i" to take me to a store for a Coke icee (my fave) and he did, even ran in and got it for me---gotta love a cabbie that does that (ummmm HELLO NYC cabbies would nevah). He told us some FAB stories that I cannot share about local celebrities, but just know I almost peed my pants a few times.
Ok so the trip home---here we goooo! I was supposed to leave at 6:30 pm but was tired so changed my flight to a 1:15 pm flight so I could be home at 11:30 pm instead of 5:30 am the next day KWIM.
Get to the airport and find out my flight is delayed 1 hour—ok I can deal. BUT Vegas airports have slot machines—I mean I think they delay flights just so you will play—they just stare at you with their twinkling lights and fun sounds (yes these things draw me in like a bug to light) but I resisted. Talked it up with 2 ladies who had just finished their 75th trip to Vegas together—they were 88 and had been coming for a LONG time and 1 even got married in a Vegas chapel. Between the 2 of them they had won $11,000---ohhhhh I want that luck but I play only in small numbers (you know under $10 lol).
Find out plane is over sold and my loading number was B49---UMMMM that’s like BUTT LAST on the plane—NO WAY JOSE! I must have a window seat so I found a guy who had A17 as his boarding number (yes I am sneaky and conniving when I need to be to get my good seat) and CONVINCED him he MUST save me a window seat or the plane would NOT take off cuz I would have a major meltdown—I KID YOU NOT! Well I guess I scared him badly enough cuz’ he saved it for me although he kept looking at me regularly I’m sure to see if I was mental or not—he was skeeeered, hee hee. No worries cuz I slept all the way to Chicago. I knew something was up the MINUTE I landed—the place was PACKED due to weather delays—ugh! My flight was delayed for 2 hours of course but I bought a sandwich and found one of the last seats in our terminal.
Well the hockey game was on and the place was WILD! There were people yelling, dancing and singing---this might be scary to most but it was RIGHT UP MY ALLEY YESSSSS! I WAS LIKE LET’S PARTYYYYYYY! Yes I know you are shaking your head wondering what planet I’m from but its so much better than a quiet airport I assure you.
So we were singing Billy Joel sing-a-longs and a dude was playing a harmonica—people were drinking and laughing---it was CRAZY and I LOVED it! So we finally load onto the plane and everyone is seated and they announce
“GUESS WHAT---YOU HAVE NOOOOOOOO PILOT”---ummmmmmmmmm what???? Yep our pilot was lost so we had to WAIT for another pilot for another 35 minutes. Ummm like did the pilot run away, party too hard or what---
I was like “HEY—if the PILOT is LOST we don’t want him ok—that’s a BAD BAD SIGN” LMBO. And yes I said it loudly to the plane (to much laughter and no arrests thank goodness)
cuz I don’t know better and I lack a mouth filter at times but come on---do you want a pilot that has disappeared flying your plane at night? I think NOT or at least I don’t! NEW (thank god) pilot comes and we start flying—I have 2 guy seatmates and we all CRASHED and I slept the whole flight even tho it was bumpy as heck.
Get off the plane at 12:30 am (yes an hour behind) to find the train at Dulles is down for maintenance---oopsies. Waited (I kid you not) for 35 mins for a train as there isn’t another way you can get across the tarmac now to get my darn luggage. Get on the train which is packed with my whole flight and someone pushes me and I fall out of the train---DOOR CLOSE!!!
UMmmmm NO, NO, NO---I started YELLING LIKE A MENTAL PERSON (ask me to impersonate one and I do it well). Well I scared the train guy so bad he opened the doors back up and stopped the train, hee hee---that got his attention!! I got back on the train, gave the dude who pushed me a dirty look and said to him
“It’ll take more than that mister to make me miss this train---you have NO IDEA what I’ll do when push comes to shove or what I’ve been thru” LOL. Yep he was a bit scared (rightly so), I can have that effect when angered which isn’t often but when it happens WATCH OUT. Got to hubby and got home and have NO recollection of getting in bed but it was lights out quickly for me.
So that is in round-a-bout terms my story for ya---there is a lot more but you’ll have to wait for my BOOK to see those, hee hee (hmmmmmmmm…makes you think right)! Anyhow if you ever want to travel with me and you are NOT scared I’d be happy to have ya----its always fun, never boring and sometimes downright exhausting!! I always will have a story to tell, people to meet and things to experience whether its' good or bad---that’s just LIFE
Pictures for ya (I don't have a ton cuz' my phone & camera didn't come everywhere in Vegas--lack of pockets and purse, lol):
-7 Kids College Fund has
NEW Bildmalarna Stamps for Pre-Order HERE! New La La Land Pre-orders HERE Too! Want NEW
Basic Grey? It’s HERE!
keep track of all the places Waldo has been with me this summer starting at my Greensboro, NC trip and you could win a prize at the end of August worth $150!!
Clowning Around!!
So keeping in the party mood I used this fun and supercute clown stamp that I got at my pal Betty’s store in Greensboro, NC called the
Stamping and Scrapbooking Room. These stamps are by
Morehead Stamps—they have the cutest faces, I just love them. This one is called
“Joy for You—Sweety” and she’s so sweet for birthday cards. (don’t want to order from overseas? call or contact Betty & she will ship to you)
I'm entering this cutie-pie into these challenges (remember to check Feline Playful for challenges):
(SOS--use S or O products--I used Stickles, Spellbinders,Scrolls)
I used new papers by My Minds Eye called
“Lime Twist—Happy Go Lucky” cuz I loved the mix of fun patterns and great colors! The purple embossed mat was done with a Spellbinders Nestie and then embossed but to make it larger I cut it in half and put it under the middle paper to stretch it out. The image is matted with
Spellbinders “Lacey Circles” and the swirly die is newer from
Heartfelt Creations called “Bella Rose” (see here—it has leaves but I cut them off to make it versatile). The sentiment is from PTI and then I topped the end off with a button and some
Scrapper’s Floss.
Yes this cutie was colored with copics to match the fun papers V09,V06,V04,V000 / BG72,BG11,BG10 / YG25,YG03,G20. I put
Stickles (stardust only) on her hat, clown suit trim and shoes for sparkle. The top of her hat got a mixture of fun
Sparkly Fluff in two colors—I mixed an aqua and purple together to match the papers. The ball and ice cream cone got some
Diamond Glaze on them. Isn’t she such a lil’ cutie? I got a few of these sets but thinking I need MORE (yikes)!!
Hope you enjoyed this today, maybe laughed and smiled a bit and sure hope I didn’t wear you out LOL! Yes I wear myself out but I’m still truckin’ so I’m doing good

I leave next Friday for a 2 week beach vacation in Hilton Head, SC and there I will calm down and rest a bit (yeah right huh)! Have a great weekend!