Showing posts with label Karolina. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Karolina. Show all posts

Monday 18 January 2016

TOP Hats and Winners - Scrap Africa Challenge no.66

Hello Everyone

Well you certainly started 2016 with a bang and so nailed our first challenge, with your gorgeous and stunning projects! ;-) Many, many thanks to all of you who played along, it really was so difficult to choose just 3 projects, because the projects were just so awesome! ;-)

So without dilly's the TOP HATS.

Our TOP HAT was this fabulous page by 2. Sofou Vasso. Congratulations Vasso!

We loved the styling and the artsy background and the elegance of your page! ;-)
Fabulous page! Well done! ;-)

In second place, the second TOP HAT is this beauty by 15. Elena Marty (Russia)
Well done Elena! ;-)

We loved your styling and the fabulous details and background, of your page! So beautiful and wonderful! ;-) We loved it! ;-)

Our 3rd place TOP HAT is this stunning and super page by 22. Mary's Crafty Moments (Greece)
Well done Mary! ;-)

We loved the colouring, elegance and beauty of this page! Just amazing and so gorgeous!
Congratulations Mary! ;-)

Because the entries were so wide spread, we would really like to feature a few more pages that we really did love and are stunning projects! ;-)

5. zosiurkowa muma

1. Ela17

Well done Tone, Karolina and Ela! ;-)

Congratulations to all the TOP HATS and featured ladies! ;-)
We would love to see more of Elena's work, so please contact for Guest Design opportunity.

The lucky, random winner who wins this paper collection

is 6. Acik Beata.  Congratulations Beata!

This was Beata's gorgeous entry! ;-)

Please contact to claim your prize! ;-)

Thanks again to everyone who played along!
You are all awesome and so amazing! xx

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