hows life treating you on these fine spring days ...
life is super busy atm ...with the sunshine seems to come more
opportunities to indulge oneself with weekend activities ....
opportunities to indulge oneself with weekend activities ....
poor asti's had the day off today run down and bang out come the cold sores
poor darling ,but these kids will push thenselves ..and last week it was sport
not only our usual friday basketball game .she had AUS TAG to play all day friday
then the sleep over at vanessas..dont think much sleep was had and then she returns home on sunday and sleeps all day on the sofa....should have known she would have a breakout .but some kids cant be told ............................heres some pics from her aus tag adventure :)
on a roll ...go asti !
so who kids have created a picture plate before...
so who kids have created a picture plate before...
my kids do them every second yr or so....
and ive always wondered how far you could take the creative side
,without actually layering anything(cause there r a few restrictions )
but ill be interested to see how this plate comes out
and heres the proof :)
been looking for the perfect dress for my shape
..and well i found it...:)
and i bought 2 dresses..
one red with cherries...the other just basic black
but i just didnt have the shoes ,
i finally found what i was looking for :)
my kids call the ABBY SHOES from ncis :)
my kids call the ABBY SHOES from ncis :)
have a super dooper week folks x