Reps Basketball,
newcastle foreshore,
and one gorgeous fairy godchild :)
its been a super busy weekend ..
yesterday i spent the day cleaning ,and finishing organising my scrap space.
a beach work out and a swim to finish.
late dinner ,a movie and a almost completed layout.
here's a peak,share tomorrow as the journalling is incomplete.

today,was the start of the basketball rep session and
asti has been selected to play for the Lakers.
one of the teams here on the central coast,she is pumped .lol
so today it was off to newcastle first game at 10.30 am and next game at 4.30
hows that for a wait!.grrrr ,well lucky us that my gorgeous friend Kelly(astrids godmother)
her hubby Paul ,and my fairy god daughter Mirren live not to far away ,
and they graciously shared the waiting hours and lunch with us on the newcastle foreshore .
here's some pic's to share with you all..

now this pics for robyn,al la polly pockets adventures in spain
here...krusty longs for the high seas....

gorgeous Kelly !

mirren waits for the sailing ships

isn't she a peach

some newcastle art

krusty goes rock climbing !

while evy skates on the foreshore

3 gorgeous girlies

back to astrids game

after the games

hope you have a great week special ppl.x
one quote to finish on
"the most beautiful discovery true friends can make
is that they can grow seperately without growing apart."
elisabeth foley