Hello everyone, I hope you are having a nice day! It is cold and rainy here! My husband said it is supposed to be for days. I manage to make four infinity scarves for gifts today. I will post photos later. We went for a ride on the Blue Ridge Parkway Saturday and I wanted to share a few photos with you of what we saw.
Just look at this magnificent oxen!
They were beautiful! I have to tell you, I just about froze taking these photos, jt was in the 30's and the wind was blowing!!! BRRRRRRRRR!!!
I was amazed to see them!
They were not aggressive at all although, I'm sure if we tried to cross the fence they would have been!
There were babies too!
This pumpkin patch was in the background.
And look at these gorgeous trees! I hope you enjoyed see my photos! Thank you for stopping by and have a warm, wonderful evening!
Hugs Pam