Showing posts with label the incident. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the incident. Show all posts

Sunday, January 07, 2007


First of all, I want to say thank you to everyone who left lovely comments about "the incident". I really do appreciate all the kind words and suggestions. I'm afraid my action with the sweater will inaction at this time. I cannot face it, I don't want to disappoint any of you, but I can't pretend.

As I promised in my last post, I do have additional pictures of things I've been up to. First up is a Boyfriend Sock. One is done, knit using knitpicks superwash fingering weight, dyed by yours truly. Mr. B. liked the color, so I thought it was time for him get a new pair of socks - he was such a good boy after all.

Second up, thanks to Sandra for reviving my interest in these mitts, I've started the Pirate Mittens. I dunno though, I've ripped these out once already, and I'm trying my best to stretch out the knitting a couple of times a row the second time, but I still have puckering. What the #!@$ am I doing wrong? Suggestions gratefully received.

Finally, some spinning I did while Mr. B. was taken away from me by the in-laws. This is Multicolor Colonial Navy. 100% Corriedale Wool. From Carolina Homespun. There's only 4 ozs though, so not sure what I will make with it...

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

PJ Day

Time to get the violins out, cos I'm feeling poorly - the taking the day off work, watching junk telly, wearing PJ's, feeling sorry for myself kind of poorly. However, the good news is that I caught up with some blog photos (yes, it's actually daylight in my apartment while I'm at home!).

Firstly, some of you may be wondering what happened to the Natucket Jacket I was knitting from the 2006 winter Interweave knits. Did I manage to fix it? Does it fit now? Where the hell is it? Honestly, I've been putting off posting about it, it still makes me sad now (5 weeks after, what shall be referred to as "the incident"). Anyway, here is a quick look at the result of "the incident".

I never did get to plan c (re-seaming) - plan b involved some water and a tumble dryer, one of the sleeves got a little too damp the felted result of which you can see on the right. There are other parts of the cardigan that are felted, and yet it still remains a lot too wide and a little too short, it is not savable, not even slightly. The cardigan resides in the back of the closet now, until I finally have the heart to throw it out.

On to a brighter note, I finished something else, which actually fits, and I'm totally in love with it. I think that these are my most favorite socks ever (aren't the latest pair always?). I went a bit nuts taking photographs of the socks, I won't bore you with all of them.

Yarn: 1 skein of Brooklyn Handspun's stunning Signature Yarn in "Rose Mocha" - man do I love this yarn, it's soft, the colors are gorgeous, apparently it fluffs up great after washing [can't wait to wash them] AND it's superwash.
Needles: 32" Addis, US #2.
Pattern: "Ripple Weave Socks" from the Fall 2006 issue of Vogue Knitting.
Adaptations: I opted for a garter stitch short row heel, thanks to gleek for her version. I also added a p1, k1tbl at the beginning of the k row of the sole, and k1tbl, p1 at the end of that row. This helped the pattern 'pop' and gave a little symmetry for me.

Close-up of the garter stitch short row heel, isn't it great?

There are more pictures (sock, mitten and spinning) to share, but I will save them. Just so you know, the Nantucket jacket has ensured that my future includes only small projects - socks, mitts/glitts, hats etc.