Our blog is dedicated to all who enjoy Shepherd's Bush Designs. We share our finished treasures, works in progress and friendship. If you would like to share your SB treasures, email Colleen for posting access. Are you looking to find your stitching mojo or some inspiration, but would rather not post? Become a follower as posting isn't needed to continue enjoying the designs and the beautiful stitching. We just like to share our passion for Shepherd's Bush.
Thanks for stopping by The Village, Colleen, Tracy & Dee cmbbaer@yahho.com
As a Gentle Reminder:Only Shepherd's Bush designs are to be posted on this blog. Posts will be deleted if content is other than Shepherd's Bush.Please post in EnglishThank you,Colleen
Good Cheer Pin Cushion
New Design Shepherd's Bush
Hear Bells
New Design Shepherd's Bush
Behold Sheep
New Design Shepherd's Bush
Christmas Joys
New Design Shepherd's Bush
Sadie's Stocking
Shepherd's Bush 2010 Christmas Stocking
"We have tried to combine our quiet, contemplative designs with antique stitches and needlework forms. We hope that we have created something unique and beautiful--awakening some old and forgotten stitching techniques, yet providing a finished sampler which is at once very modern and unpredictable." --Tina Herman, Shepherd's Bush
Happy New Year 2025
Dear Blog Friends, George and I are here today to wish all of you a
very HAPPY NEW YEAR---2025. We all have had our "Ups and Downs" I'm sure
Florence Mary Dickinson
Finished Florence Mary Dickinson sampler by Hands Across the Sea. Stitched
on 36 ct American Froth by Dames of the Needle using Au Ver Soie silks.
It's A Wrap!
Hello fellow bloggers and stitchers! It has been a few weeks since I was
here last but I have not been slacking on the stitching front. I have even
( shus...
May showers...June flowers
*Early Summer, 2019...*
Summer in Utah is finally limping its way here. Our garden is planted and
most things seem to have weathered our past 3 weeks o...
Tonight is the largest Super Moon of 2019, or so I've read. This is the
closest it will be to us this year. We drove to the East end of the island
to tak...
Random Acts of Kindness
Hello Lovlies,
I an here today to share a sweet little gift item for you to make for a
Random Act of Kindness. Quick and easy 3x3 note holder with cards ...
Knock Knock
Who's there?
It's me, Andrea!!
Shall I try and explain my long absence or should we just sweep it under
the rug and move on like nothing happened?
HOE Exchanges
Phew, after a journey that took over 2 weeks, my parcel for Stephanie
finally arrived. And I received beautiful ornaments from Carol and
Stephanie. 😊 Caro...
My life has changed
Az életem megváltozott. Nem is tudom, hogyan fogalmazhatnék másképp.
Itt nem dokumentáltam, de idén végre hatalmas boldogság ért minket,
megfogant és azóta...
Chicas como os he extrañado!
Hacia mucho tiempo que no entraba en este pequeño atelier pues porque mi
trabajo me ha demandado mucho de mi tiempo, pero lo h...
Some stitching getting done
Hi All,
I did finish stitching the Red B from Merry Cox, now I just need to put it
into finished form!!
As I may have mentioned, we have moved to North Ca...
Tea for Two-wish you were here
Hello All!
Welcome to Tea Cup Tuesday!
I have tea for two today, one for me and one for you....
If only it could be!
Would you like the rosey Rosina?
Monday Meme
It's time again for Kathy's Monday Meme
1. Write on the pattern or keep it clean as a whistle?
*Make a photocopy and write on that. The original is filed...
Raven Queen Done
A great accomplishment shouldn't be the end of the road, just the starting
point for the next leap forward.
Harvey Mackay
This was an amazing project and I...
Bags And a Clubsandwich.....
Yesterday my daughter and I played tourist in our own city of Amsterdam.
Now for a while *The Museum of Bags* had been high on Jennifer's wish
list,so tha...
Two Days til Thanksgiving ~ 2014
Hi All,
Two days til Turkey Day!!! Yummy!!
Our daughter Robin is making all the festivities at her home~first time!
We live very close to her...
For The Fallen
They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old,
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and i...
Aqui estoy!!!!
Tiene un año que no subo nada de los bordados que he hecho, pero aquí
estoy nuevamente. Ojala que alguien siga por ahí, esperando ver algo de lo
Blue and French
August was a good stitching month for me… I finished a lovely bag and I was
part of a wonderful private exchange with a friend from Spain (she does not
Closing: Come Follow My NEW Blog
It's that time, folks. I've consolidated both of my web sites, Hannah's
PinKeep and Autumn Comforts, and given them a new name. I hope you'll all
visit my ...