Don't like beaches in summer either. Beaches are for long walks and short dips in the water with bare feet when it's actually a little too cold. Lying on a beach (sweating...) ruining your skin, getting extremely bored because you can't find a good and comfortable way to lie down and read, walking over to a way too long line for ice cream that's melted even before you return to your sand infested towel. No thanks...
I do love sitting in the garden and spotting the birds (I know, I'm a nerd... I knit, so what's new...) watching my wee one play in the sandbox and my wee-er one playing on my lap. Harvesting and eating our first home grown lettuce, eggplant, strawberries and beans!
From the first week of september I'll start teaching at the sewing café and if all goes well, I'll have a day extra for working on my designs and webshop. I can't wait!! It'll be sooo much fun getting a whole day to myself, working in my (yet to be completed) studio in the attic! May all those concepts turn into yummy knitiing...Yay!
So, if you're interested in knitting lessons or want to book a workshop (I also do bachelorette parties, birthdays, baby showers, you name it) . Here's were you find information about the classes, dates, times and prices.
Have a lovely summer!