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Se afișează postările cu eticheta flowers. Afișați toate postările

miercuri, 20 noiembrie 2013

Hello my dearest blog! hello my friends!

It's almost an year since I haven't post on my blog! Oh, my!!!! How to fast pass the time!
My little girl has 11 month and she's a miracle for me everyday more and more! She's adorable!!! :)

I wish you to have a wonderful november and with a big hug I give you, my dearest followers, some autumn flowers:

Lumanare botez cu miros de toamna / autumn christening candle

<3 data-blogger-escaped-b="">Keep calm and cross stitch

sâmbătă, 10 martie 2012

Ladybug and spring flowers

Today I made a christening candle with spring flowers, two stitched hearts and a sweet ladybug ♥
Astazi am facut o lumanare de botez cu flori de primavara, doua inimioare brodate si o simpatica buburuza ♥

Spring christening candle - lumanare botez de primavara

Ladybug christening candle with personalized hearts - Lumanare botez " buburuza "cu inimioare personalizata

sweet ladybug for a christening candle -  lumanare botez " buburuza "

inimioara personalizata - personalized heart

Ladybug christening candle - Lumanare botez " buburuza "

spring flowers - flori de primavara

joi, 16 februarie 2012

Thomas the train - Choo, choo, choo

Christening candle and trousseau box in navy blue and orange
Lumanare de botez si cutie trusou in bleumarin si portocaliu
christening candle - lumanare botez si cutie trusou " trenuletul Thomas "

Designer: DMC Creations - Baby
DMC threads

joi, 2 iunie 2011

Blue christening candle

I miss so much stitching and I dream of winter days when I had more free, today I bring you some flowers again.

Mi-e tare dor sa cos si visez la zilele de iarna cand aveam mai mult timp liber...asa ca, astazi va aduc din nou flori

christening candle

luni, 23 mai 2011

purple & yellow

I love to make little things for babies and I'm glad when somebody ask me to do something for his baby.
This time, I stitched two little yellow hearts for Georgiana's goddoughter.

Ador sa fac lucrusoare pentru bebelusi si ma bucur cand cineva imi cere sa fac ceva pentru bebelusul sau.
De acaesta data, am cusut doua inimioare galbene pentru finuta Georgianei.

yellow little hearts

two little hearts

The little hearts and the cute sheepy I've used to decorate the christening candle
Inimioarele si oita le-am folosit la ornarea lumanarii de botez


lumanare botez Sofia Maria

marți, 10 mai 2011

wedding flowers for my friends

Bridal bouquet made with roses, hydrangea, freesia and peonies




Wedding candles


This is my first ring pillow. I love to make organza flower

ring pillow

Hand corsage:

corsaj mana

joi, 24 martie 2011

blue in my garden

first flower of spring in my garden

prima floare a primaverii din gradina mea


vineri, 11 martie 2011

luni, 7 martie 2011

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