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Showing posts with label christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label christmas. Show all posts

Thursday, 1 October 2009

charisma challenge # 39 is decoupage

Well as is the theme for me at the moment ive created another christmas card lol, the challenge over at charisma this week is decoupage so i cut up this lovely image and got my squares out, and was quite pleased with the end result, its much more colourful and sparkly in real life than in the picture.
The things i used to make this card are;
  • dovecraft papers
  • le suh decoupage papers
  • dovecraft snowflake brad
  • peeloff greeting matted onto
  • blue mirror card
  • silver ribbon


Wednesday, 30 September 2009

a spoon full of sugar #71

The challenge at a spoonful of sugar is christmas this week, so here is my entry, im really behind on my christmad cards and have loads to make (yes i know its only september) but the weeks go by so fast dont they?
To make this card i used;
  • last years christmas paper pack from dovecraft
  • card candy from craftwork cards
  • white sakura pen for faux stitching
  • dufex sticker matted and layered onto light blue card

a really simple card and simple to put together only took around 15 minutes


Friday, 11 September 2009

another dufex christmas card

Here is another christmas card i made with my dufex stickers, i matted it up on the lovely metallics dcwv matt stack, i know dufex isnt to everyones taste but i think for christmas its especially suitable? what do you think? this card isnt for any challenge i just made it at my local crafting group that i go to each tuesday evening creative craft group everyone is welcome its £4 for 2 hours with cuppa and nibblies included (not bad hey)
To make this card i used:
  • backing paper given to me by friend
  • dufex stickers from local craft shop
  • dovecraft ribbon punch
  • ribbon free from papercraft inspirations magazine sometime ago
  • dcwv metallics matt stack
  • red pearl gems from ebay

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

friday sketchers no 68

For this weeks sketch over on friday sketchers i chose to make a christmas card (yes i know its a little early but i have so many to make lol) the photo on this looks alot worse than the card is,
To make this card i used ;
  • christmas blues paperpack
  • dufex sticker matted onto
  • dcwv metallic matt stack
  • dovecraft snowflake brad
  • ribbon from craft central
  • gems
  • black xmas peel off greeting


Tuesday, 16 December 2008

MEN (gggrrrrrr)

well to start things of those pictures i wanted to show you all of the new christmas cards i'd made (and was rather proud of) have gone forever (boo hoo) as my hubby didn't actually save them as he had been sure he'd done, and now i have made some new creations to upload that i have saved to my own pc he has lost the cable so no pictures yet im afraid grrrr, i will upload when it comes to light.

i will be around looking at blogs and making the odd card but as its christmas i wont be online regular as we are sooo busy, were also decorating our bedroom (i know what a time to do this)

im also getting quite tired these days with the pregnancy but all is well so shouldn't complain,
so anyway to finish my ramblings i want to wish all my blog visitors a very merry christmas, have a great day with family/friends etc, and i will see you all very soon

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

new order (yay)

I'm really pleased with myself at the moment, when i went to work yesterday one of my colleagues bought a couple of my cards but also asked me to make her at least 10 for Xmas, i couldn't believe my luck as things have been a bit slow lately,you know what its like you have alot of work on one moment and nothing for ages lol. so Ive just got to get making them now, she just wants some of my more simpler designs so shouldn't take me too long to do, i need to go and get some stickles though because theres 2 colours i really want and don't yet have so I'm going to get some later. i will post some pics when i have made them to show you what Ive done,

happy crafting everyone xxx

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

two other cards ive made recently

here are 2 new cards i had a go at making, Ive been so busy of late that my card making has taken a bit of a back seat( unfortunately) but i thought id show you these for now, the top one has three of the trees 3d'd not that you can tell int he photo lol and the bottom one is a slider card,

all day christmas craftathon

a couple of weeks ago i went to an all day craft class where we concentrated on making Christmas cards, during the class we were shown 4 different type of folds (PICTURED ABOVE) to use when making our cards, we were supposed to be making 6 cards but due to far to much chatting (as you do) and a bit of a skill mix we just did the 4, it was a really good day and well worth the £30 as we had buffet dinner and drinks plus a goody bag at the end, this was all done by phill who is on the trimcraft forum but runs his own shop in notts and also has a online shop he sells penny black/woodware/BIA and loads of other treats we would all love to own lol,

Sunday, 7 September 2008

early recycled chistmas cards

well here are a few of my chistmas cards... 2 have recycled bits on from old cards and 2 have the new christmas paper on from dovecraft, im not pleased with all of them but they will do lol,