Happy Tuesday to you all ~ We are having some wet weather the last couple of days but the gardens need it. I can tell June is here, not because of the warm weather but because that is when my roses start to bloom! I took these pictures on the weekend before the rain came. These roses smell like those Yankee candles you buy in the shops. I can't get enough of this scent. It is heavenly!
Today, one of the bushes is just loaded with these gorgeous blooms so I skipped out between rain showers and snipped some for the kitchen table.

They send a romantic fragrance throughout the room almost as strong as lilacs do. These roses are much like the variety that grow all along the shores of the Island and they conjure up all kinds of wonderful memories from my childhood. My father used to take us camping at the beach in the summertime and even then, I loved to stop and smell the roses. What kind of memories do roses bring to your heart?
Have a lovely and rose-scented day everyone!