sam i am
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Showing posts with label wildlfowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wildlfowers. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

been playing...

... we went to Vail Lake last weekend..and had fun playing in the hills and wildflowers..

and also with our new 'toy'.. a Jeep!

Now we will be able to tow it behind the rv..and be able to go exploring on our little trips that we take! Im soooo excited! :)
There's been times on our trips we would have liked a car to get into town or to go exploring with..and sometimes those things are just too far to do on a bicycle. Well..we found a used Jeep at a local dealership here and just had to jump on it!
Now Tim will have something to play with and 'trick out'.. he can't wait to start pimpin' his ride! lol
This new toy brings back such great memories.... Tim used to have a 1949 Willies jeep when we were dating..and we used to have SOOOO much fun getting into trouble with that thing!!
I don't know how many farmers back-40's we've plowed thru..or some real deep mud pits that we had to be pulled outta..and rock piles we've climbed over..and even slammed it into a snowbank once (not on purpose)..and ended filling the back end of the poor jeep with a bunch of snow from hitting the bank!
ahhhhhhhh...the fun...
I think we'll take much better care of this one tho... and no snowbanks to run into lol