sam i am
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Showing posts with label ranch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ranch. Show all posts

Monday, May 10, 2010

Cowboy Casanova Photoshoot

I had the pleasure of being able to go on a photoshoot right here in my own backyard (Temecula!)

Held at the TCR Ranch..about 50 photogs gathered to take part in the theme "Cowboy Casanova" shoot.

The grounds to the estate were amazing..and the models were just so professional, beautiful and friendly!

Here are some of my shots from the day:

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sunrise Sammy

Good Morning My Beautiful Flower!

Through the View Finder Pics from this morning..

Last nite Tippy decided he wanted to crawl out our bedroom window..and sit up on the patio beams. He LOVES it out there... and he CAN'T get down or escape! So he lays out there..and has a 'cats-eye' view of the hummingbirds coming to the feeder below him..and the goings-on.

Sunrise Sillo
Originally uploaded by samwould
Gooooood Morning Murrieta!
I woke up bright and early this morning around 4:47..and for the life of me...could NOT get back to hopped outta bed.. slipped into my jeans and comfy shirt.. threw on a baseball cap..made a quick cup of coffee..and was out the door to take sunrise shots of the neighborhood.
The spot I drove to wasn't the greatest to catch any great magnificent sunrise there were telephone poles..and wires and construction messin' up the scenery. So I will have to rethink my next early morning adventure.. plan ahead and scout out a great viewing site. If anyone can recommend a good Sunrise viewing around Murrieta, CA.. please let me know!
But I had fun wandering about.. feeling like I was on some great adventure..searching for things to photograph in the great morning light. I saw horses..and cattle (again..sorry I don't know the names of cattle.. but my friend Connie for ALtered Route knows..and I sure hope she pops in here to tell me what I've photographed (pic of cattle on my flickr acct) hehehee)..revisited the old school... saw houses so close together its a wonder how anyone can fart anymore..
I hope you'll take a peek at my Flickr pics.. and post a comment if you like :)
Ok.. naptime.. all that running around pooped me out!
click on my Flickr Picture to go see the rest of the Early Morning Shots :)