~Big Bear Lake~
ahhhhh...Tim and I escaped to Big Bear this past week..and had the pleasure of cuddling up in the RV while listening to the pitter patter of raindrops on our roof :)

Such a sweet sound...especially when rain or any sort of moisture is rare in southern California!
Oh how I miss the downpours..the sideways rainstorms..the wind..the excitement of the East Coast weather fronts that used to blow thru :(
While Tim "worked" ..I got to explore and make new friends.. such as the one below that I nicknamed "Gimpy".
Gimpy had a back right foot that was swollen and caused him to walk with a gimp..and he even sat funny! He loved the tortilla chips and leftover dog food that I found..and trusted me enough to come right up and take it from my hand :)

(Tippy can never see these pictures or know of this..or he would never purr for me again!!)

Simple things such as clouds after a storm..and the delicate flowers that surrounded our campsite kept me and my camera busy while I relaxed.

I can't wait to return..maybe in November.. and hope for a chance of snow flakes to fall...ahhhhhh life is good :)