sam i am
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Showing posts with label plague. Show all posts
Showing posts with label plague. Show all posts

Monday, July 21, 2008

a Fun Nite

Tim and I decided to 'escape' from our lil world and travel to Universal Studios for the nite last friday...

ahhhh...i love little surprise getaways that require you to hurry and pack..and hope ta-god you've remembered your toothbrush!

Even tho he had to work a wee little bit.. (does this look like 'work'??? pfftt.. i wish i had it so easy!)
We got to wander around Universal walk..and get caught up in all of the excitement and entertainment going on!

The first entertaining bit we caught..were these exceptionally TALL girls on stilts.. wearing just the neatest outfits!! (I love stripes..and think i need to make this my Halloween outfit for this year!)
ahhh to be tall and skinny...

another halloween costumer i MUST have.. my black matrix-cat outfit..

Then THIS guy.. reminds me of the Plague Doctor..
The view from our hotel room..looking down on Universal Studios..

waiting for tim to get off the phone..

more Stilt Girl shots:

Breakfast in Bed anyone??

some cute kids watching the entertainment..

man? or woman? decide

last but not least.. a big ol comfy bed filled with pillows and topped with a 'snack tray' consisting of a pear, apples, an orange, dried fruit, bananas, M&M's and Oreos!!! YUM!!