sam i am
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Showing posts with label pitbull. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pitbull. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Glen Arbor Park

Just another day at the park..
Glen Arbor Park in Murrieta, CA
Essa enjoys visiting everyday to play with her friends.. running and romping and wrestling..and getting pretty tuckered out by the end of an hour!
We've met all kinds of dogs.. all different breeds.. all different personalities..and everyone gets along very well!
Socializing is soooo important at a young age..Im so glad we found this place..and so glad to have made new friends .. both four-legged and the two legged kind :)

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Graduating Puppies!

Graduating Puppy Class from PetSmart!!
Left to right:
Essa... Zion... Bella... Kimber
Congrats puppies!!! :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

treasures to be hold..



dogs in tunnels...

dog feet...

ahhh... life at the dog park...

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

oh that face...

i just can't get enough of this face...

need pics of your pets???
give me a shout!

and then there's THIS face.. lil Mz Penny..

who's battling the fight with Leukemia right now..and so the Pfatties ebay group have rallied and created a special auction to help raise money for the Leukemia - Alabama Chapter for Miss Penny..
I do hope you'll pass the word.. feel free to grab this banner and post it all over the web..and stop by the auction scheduled to start on Valentine's Day..

Thursday, February 04, 2010


Essa has been having fun at the dog park. We've been hitting the park every day..and letting her run, sniff, explore, dig, and making new friends.

yesterday morning she got to meet Blitz..a weimaraner.. who was just beautiful! His owner said that weimaraners are suppose to weigh about 80 pounds max.. but his 'Blitz" was topping the scales at 120!!
He was solid and like a freight train! Essa gave him a run for his money.. and after about 10 min..we said our goodbyes. Once we got to the car..the poor lil girl was POOPED out! I think i heard her say.."Wow Mom..he was Big! Will i ever get that big someday?" lol..

Saturday, January 30, 2010

lazy days...

while the cat's away...
essa and i will nap the day away..

Saturday, January 23, 2010

being good pet owners

belly before:

belly after:

poor essa-peppers had to go to the doc on thurs. to be spayed :( I didn't realize they were going to keep her all nite! :(
This momma missed her lil was strange not having her under-foot..or snuggling with her!
She's back home now.. with 5 lil stitches on her tummy :( Im torn..i would have sooooo wanted her to have babies.. I've never had the experience of a litter of puppies before. But..we are being responsible pet owners..and dang it..i hate it lol

Monday, December 21, 2009

oooooo that face!!!!

Lil Miss Essa..

im so in love with this face

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tippy & Essa

Tippy.. up on the ledge..for some peace and quiet away from Essa...

"please just play with meeeee"

Tippy runs just fast enough for Essa to keep up..

"I'll share my pretty leaf with you!!"

Wednesday, December 09, 2009 milk???

"If i close my eyes real tight and wish real might get here faster!!"

Essa is now addicted to chasing around the empty milk jugs!! I think its the sound of it along the floor or cement..and of course it has a convienent handle for her to carry it around with!

Monday, December 07, 2009

Essa Smiles...

..but not today...
its been raining..
all day...
and Lil Miss Essa no likey the raindrops...
needless to say..
we've had a couple of accidents in the house today :(

Monday, November 23, 2009

Tippy and Essa

Tippy safely keeping his distance from poor lil Essa ..

"When is this beast going home??"

Naptime in the Camper!!

Weeeeeeeeee...i can run!!!!


Monday, November 09, 2009

...Meet our new baby!!

Meet "Essa"!!
Our newest addition to our family! She's 7 weeks old..and is a bluenose American Pit Bull Terrier ..
IM IN LOVE!!!!!!!
I have so much work to do on the Marketplace right I only have a couple of pics of her.. but check back..there will be more :)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

im head over heels over puppy breath!!

Hi..My name is Sandy..and it's been 2 days since my last whiff of Puppy Breath and Im going thru Withdrawals!!

Sara and her roommate just got a PUPPY! And we had the pleasure of meeting her..and playing with her..and lovin' on her :)
Meet "Skyy"

She's a 3 mos. old blue-nose pit..and has just melted my heart!!

She still even has puppy breath!!!!!! :)

I think Im in Love :)

I have to devise a plan to dognap her!!

or this!
It's Sara's Red Tail Boa..
she's very pretty :)

But this face.. look at it!!!
I just can't stop lookin at her and saying .."Awwwwwwww"
