sam i am
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Showing posts with label pfatties. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pfatties. Show all posts

Monday, March 02, 2009

R & R time..and Giveaway Time!

Now that all of the family health issues and concerns are slowly 'mending'.. Tim and I have decided to take off.. head to the desert...and even VEGAS baby! to spend some very much needed R&R time with each other..and friends!
Christy and her hubby are flying into Vegas on Thurs..and we'll meet up with them parttttay away the weekend!!
We'll also be stopping in Calico, CA to visit a Ghost Town and plan on doing some 'geocaching' !

This is "Gary" (Tim has his GPS that he named, "Martha"...well this is my GPS for when we go geocaching..and I've named him "Gary Garmin" hehehehe)

I hope to get lots of pics to share with you when we return :)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Also..if you haven't checked it out yet.. hop, skip and jump your way over to the PFattie's Blog! We are having a Giveaway!!!!!!! Check it out!

All you have to do is leave a comment!! And you can win your choice of these awesome goodies!!!!!

See ya'll next week!!!!
I hope you all get a chance to find your own R&R and adventures..and remember to HUG your family today :) and let them know how much you love them!
