pardon the sand spilling out from my jean cuffs..
and the windblown hairstyle..
and my laid-back attitude..
but I've just returned from a week at the beach..and will need some time to re-adjust to 'life' :)
I figured by making a might be easier to post instead of allllll of those pictures...
We had a great time..the cool weather..the ocean surf..even waking up to the pitter-patter of raindrops on our RV roof was just heaven to my ears :)
I hope I can get the sand outta my head and buckle back down to work here soon..
someone shake me..
shake me hard.
Thank you to Natalie and Arlene for identifying this yucky, gross bug!! :)
Its a "Jerusalem Cricket' or potato bug...
now I can go back to hiding under my covers ...