Stampington's Life Images , Winter 2008 issue has published a photo I submitted to them!
This has inspired me to keep snapping away..and to really try to capture and look for more hidden beauty that is around us everyday that we take advantage of.
I love looking for those ordinary things around us that have their own natural beauty.. to see and look for things we would normally pass right over.. to find something special about everything and everyone.
We get so caught up in the gossip and misfortune of others..crime and happenings in the news..we never stop to look for the good..or the beauty in things and people. Im hoping to keep searching for those little things that make me smile..and hopefully have a camera in hand when I do stumble across them!
My New Year's challenge to all of you who read this would be to do the same.. look for the good..look for the happy.. look for the special.. look for the tiny things in our life that bring us smiles :)