sam i am
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Showing posts with label ny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ny. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Do you ever feel......

Ever get that feeling that you're always on the outside..looking in????

That 'life' just keeps piling up?? And that the slightest shift could send us all reeling??

Ever feel that there are so many twists and turns to life..its a wonder we ever make it thru?

Do you envy the song bird that gets to float along and sing a pretty tune?

Ever want to go down the road less traveled..but find yourself without any traction?

Friday, January 30, 2009

...Who let the Dogs Out...

Man..there's nothing greater than the light reflecting off the snow to capture some pretty shots! This is "Oscar" brother's dog who lives at my Mom and Dad's house. He's still a puppy.. (7 mos. old)..and is a HORSE! He jumps up on me..he's TALLER than me!! NOT FAIR!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

happy happy joy joy....

YIPPPEEE!!! Dad was discharged from the hospital today...and is looking lots lots better!!
THANK YOU to everyone who sent messages or emails saying they were sending Dad prayers and well wishes...THEY WORKED :)
He's doing lots better..and is soooo happy to be back home and back in his Tight Whities!! lol

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

.. Hospitals are gross ...

but snowflakes are pretty..and fun :)

Mom and I at the hospital in Medina, NY today to see my Dad. He went into emergency surgery on monday to have a pacemaker put in. :( He was in critical condition..and made it thru surgery ok. The pacemaker is doing great according to the doctors and nurses.. but his blood (hct) level is a little they are giving him a couple of units of blood right now.
Hopefully when we go back after dinner..he will be looking a little better.
This shot above is a from the Main street and West ave. intersection. SEE THE SNOW????
It started after midnite last nite..and hasn't stopped yet!! IM SOOOO EXCITED!!!! I feel like a little kid again!!! :)
I even got to go out and shovel..take pics..and play with the dog in the SNOW!!! weeeeeeeee!!
If you have purchased notecards or any other graphics or items from my Pfatt Marketplace or website.. I won't be able to get them mailed out until I return back home to California. Thank you for your understanding and patience.