sam i am
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Showing posts with label las vegas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label las vegas. Show all posts

Monday, April 06, 2009

Spankings Needed!

WOw..My apologies..
I've been a very bad blogger!!!

Between Vegas..and camping..and family issues..and matters of the heart..and more camping..and moving my daughter back home..and then Rockband..and Wii..and that STooooPid Mafia Wars on facebook.. i've lost all track of of life online!!! YIKES!!

I did take some pictures a couple of weeks ago.. of flowers that were in my backyard..
thats about the only creative thing i've done!!

I need to find and get my mojo back!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Vegas Blurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Stil recoopin' from our trip to Vegas.. and now trying to deal with a headcold that Tim shared with me please bear with me :)
Pictured above:
Jeri, Christy, Karen and Me enjoying a Plum Drop Martini!!!!!


Monday, March 02, 2009

R & R time..and Giveaway Time!

Now that all of the family health issues and concerns are slowly 'mending'.. Tim and I have decided to take off.. head to the desert...and even VEGAS baby! to spend some very much needed R&R time with each other..and friends!
Christy and her hubby are flying into Vegas on Thurs..and we'll meet up with them parttttay away the weekend!!
We'll also be stopping in Calico, CA to visit a Ghost Town and plan on doing some 'geocaching' !

This is "Gary" (Tim has his GPS that he named, "Martha"...well this is my GPS for when we go geocaching..and I've named him "Gary Garmin" hehehehe)

I hope to get lots of pics to share with you when we return :)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Also..if you haven't checked it out yet.. hop, skip and jump your way over to the PFattie's Blog! We are having a Giveaway!!!!!!! Check it out!

All you have to do is leave a comment!! And you can win your choice of these awesome goodies!!!!!

See ya'll next week!!!!
I hope you all get a chance to find your own R&R and adventures..and remember to HUG your family today :) and let them know how much you love them!


Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Helen, Christy, Me, Jerry and Karen
I came back with $100 in my pocket...IM RICH, IM RICH!!!!!! lol
We just are soooooo NOT gamblers! I must confess..that we only slapped down $5 in a slot machine..and when that ran out..(ohhh..a mere 2 minutes)... we giggled..and then LEFT lol :)
But Im RICH because of the FUN memories that I brought home..and the New formed friendships that were made while playing in Vegas :)
My new friends above.. gathering together to be silly in our funky, eye-popping glasses that Christy surprised us all with :)

My new FAVORITE Drink..."Sputnik One"...ohhh my goshhh..this stuff was SOOOO Goooood!!!! Very easy to drink a few of these ;)

We all met up at the "Red Square" bar in Mandalay Bay .. a very yummy Vodka bar..and got to say Hi and hug Jillian (Greg and Christy's daughter)..and her friends. Many laughs did the drinks and cavier..and so it adventure filled with new friends and shared stories.

Lots of great statues such as these.. sooooo much to see and snap pics of... just not enough days to see it all!

Outside the "Paris" hotel

In the Lobby of the "Paris" hotel

The Eiffel Tower Restaurant:

Paris city scene streets inside.. felt like you really were in Paris wandering around their little streets!

Outside the Venetian:

The view from our Room:

We spent a couple of hours admiring the sites and slowed down a bit at the Red Rock Canyon:

We were hoping to catch a glimpse of the wild horses and burrows that live here.. but I think best chance for that is early morning and before dark..

A Row of Trumpeting Angels outside Caesar's Palace:

Greg and Dan.. preparing the glasses for the "Absinthe" party!

The Neon Cowgirl on Fremont Street:

Tim enjoying the whole Fremont Street experience!

Wonderful hosts...Jerri and Greg...

Thank you for opening your a great dinner..and feeding me that YUMMMMMY CHEESE!!! :)

The gang before heading to see Jillian dance at the Janet Jackson concert:

Greg, Jerri, Christy, Greg


For years, I never had any reason or desire to go to Vegas.. but Im soooo glad Christy talked me into coming along this trip!!! I can't wait to go back again...(not to gamble lol) but just to see more sights..take more pictures...visit with our really fun, new friends..and to drink another Sputnik One! hehehe

Thanks Greg, Jerri, Dan, Karen, Farrow and Helen..and of course..Christy and Greg for making us feel so welcomed :)
