sam i am
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Showing posts with label hunting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hunting. Show all posts

Monday, March 02, 2009

R & R time..and Giveaway Time!

Now that all of the family health issues and concerns are slowly 'mending'.. Tim and I have decided to take off.. head to the desert...and even VEGAS baby! to spend some very much needed R&R time with each other..and friends!
Christy and her hubby are flying into Vegas on Thurs..and we'll meet up with them parttttay away the weekend!!
We'll also be stopping in Calico, CA to visit a Ghost Town and plan on doing some 'geocaching' !

This is "Gary" (Tim has his GPS that he named, "Martha"...well this is my GPS for when we go geocaching..and I've named him "Gary Garmin" hehehehe)

I hope to get lots of pics to share with you when we return :)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Also..if you haven't checked it out yet.. hop, skip and jump your way over to the PFattie's Blog! We are having a Giveaway!!!!!!! Check it out!

All you have to do is leave a comment!! And you can win your choice of these awesome goodies!!!!!

See ya'll next week!!!!
I hope you all get a chance to find your own R&R and adventures..and remember to HUG your family today :) and let them know how much you love them!


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hunting for the Pickle...

The Christmas Pickle

"In Old World Germany, the last decoration placed on the Christmas Tree was always a pickle...carefully hidden deep in the boughs.

Legend has it that the observant child who found it on Christmas Day was blessed with a year of good fortune...and a special gift"

They searched...and they searched...

And Andy found it!!!

Im so kicking myself in the rear for not starting this 'tradition' years it kept my three 'kids' entertained for about 20 minutes trying to find that darned pickle hiding in the tree ( did an awesome job hiding that sucker!!)

It was so funny watching them trying to find that glass pickle ornament.. and when Tim told us he could see it from where he was sitting on the floor..they all dropped to their knees and began a deeper search. Even I (with an experienced 'uterus' which is known to be a secret tracking device and finder of all things lost")..couldn't find it!!
Once I did spy was amazing that they were all just soooo close..and practically staring at it the whole time! It was like trying to find a needle in a haystack!

But in the end...Andy was the winner of the Pickle hunt..and because they all showed such great enthusiasm in trying to find it first..we rewarded them with letting them each open a present :)

I can imagine how this scene would have played out years ago.. with one kid finding the pickle and the other two crying because they 'lost'..or it 'wasn't fair'.. or it was 'hidden too deep'... or 'hidden too high'.. 'he's taller'..'she's shorter'.. excuses! So maybe it's better we started this game as 'grown ups' LOL

I loved having all three kids home on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day :)

I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas filled with family love..and I hope you all have a prosperous and healthy New Year :)

Sunday, August 31, 2008

swimming with sharks...

errr..i mean..swimming with baby alligator lizards...

for the past two days... I've had to fish this guy outta the pool..

not sure if its the same fella..maybe i should start 'tagging' them lol
isn't he just SOOO Cute???

i love them when they're so wee.. we have found them even smaller before..and they are just so adorable!

Usually..when Betsy-Boo's not doing this....

or this...

she can be found outside 'hunting' and likes to bring me lizards..

this one she brought back to play with...

then she usually takes them off somewhere and 'feasts'. We've found so many headless bodies about the yard... its disgusting!

all of this usually happens when Tippy is inside...

doing this...
