sam i am
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Showing posts with label bear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bear. Show all posts

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Home at last....

...after a 10 hr drive.. (about 4hrs of it spent just crawling thru LA!!).. we are home. Home from one of the most beautiful spots in the US! ahhhh...

I told Tim in my next lifetime..I am coming back as a Park Ranger for Yosemite!!! I could sooooo easily spend the rest of my days there..the scenery amazing..the views spectacular..the air clean and fresh.. its like heaven on earth!

We are already planning our next trip there in May for our anniversary. By then the waterfalls will be gushing..the Merced River will be raging..and snow will still remain... a delight to the senses! :)

We saw lots and lots of mule deer, squirrels, noisy jays, dragonflies and butterflies...a couple of coyotes.. and we were even graced by the presence of Bears!! Momma bears with their cubs.. one family strolled thru the wooded area next to our site..and Tim quickly jumped up to take some pictures.. and managed to get a couple. Being in the darker wooded area..they didn't turn out that great.. but its amazing to see them!

At nite..we heard shouts thru-out the campsite loops.."BEAR!! Get Away Bear! " Campers shouting and carrying on..even chasing them out of the campsites! There is so much bear activity now because they are foraging for all of the food they can before they hunker down for the winter.

Because we had a dry winter.. the bears are starting to run out of food..and are getting brave and going into campsites...scaring off campers..and stealing food! So all food must be kept in bear lockers.. and all trash securely placed in the bear proof dumpsters.

We hiked and biked..and climbed and explored...and my poor body felt the effects of all of this exercise the next morning! lol my poor butt cheeks and legs were so sore! lol But what a good kind of sore.. the kind of sore that lets you know just how active and just how much fun you had the day before :) I like that kind of sore :)

Tippy is loving his harness and being able to sit outside with us! The jays kept him busy.. he preferred sitting at the top of our chairs.. and kept careful watch for those pesky birds! They would come and sit on the branch nearest him..just to pester him! He was so cute! But one day..just as it was starting to get dark.... I noticed a coyote on the other side of the road...from our campsite..watching him! Crouching in pines..he sat there watching us! Needless to say, Tippy and Honey were quickly put inside the camper!

I miss it so already.. but am thankful for the photos i took.. and will look at them til May comes 'round!

Other news..


the Pfatt Marketplace is up for September!! Please stop by to see our new artists..and to do lots of shopping!! :)
Remember..its all USA (and canada!) made.. by hand..and by excellent artists!! Start your holiday shopping now..and help support our US and Canadian Artists!!


Now for pics...
It started out with us enjoying some Chi Chi's.. (a yummy drink recommended by Christy and Greg! YUM .. pineapple juice.. coconut milk..SLURP..they go down sooooo easy!!)

The Mighty Yosemite Valley

Yosemite Falls.. not flowing right now :( but still a beautiful site..

And a view looking towards Glacier Point

The Valley Floor

The Momma bear that visited...

The little boy who sat patiently waiting for his folks to finish taking pictures...

Branches and leaves showing beautiful form and quilted the sky from the afternoon sun...

A gathering of Bucks.. i think there were about 6-8 bucks all gathered..even a few does and a fawn were in the group..all grazing together. Mating season will start soon..and so the mingling starts lol

Tim and I escaped the few people wandering around..and ventured off to find a secluded part of the river to have our lunch at.. didn't take long for the ducks to find us and want some of our food lol

Our Secret Spot along the Merced

no words needed for this picture..

Exploring up the river..

A beautiful stone bridge that crosses over the river. Its said that in 1997 they had a flood here..and the water rose 5 feet above this bridge!

Stopped for a shot here. this across from the Chapel..

The jay that kept teasing Tippy!


A beautiful tombstone in the cemetary there...

A Yellow field of dreams...

Yep..I think a nice log cabin plunked right there in the middle of the field would work for me ;)