ahhhhhhh....all is right with the world once again now that Tim is back from a weeks stay in NY...
I sure do miss him when he's gone.. cuz when he's gone..it means I have to be a 'big girl'..and do all the errand running..and venture out into the big world.
I would really much rather just stay in my jammies all day..and avoid freeways...grocery stores and gas stations!
I like it when Tim is home because I feel safe and spoiled! lol He barbeques and feeds me the yummiest foods...and I make the drinks! This weekend's drink of choice was the Mojito! We planted Mint in our garden a couple of months ago..and are sure making use of it!
Tim made up some Sausage and Scallop shishkabobs.... they were sooooo good! He added onions and peppers..and grilled 'em to perfection.
(before grilling)
Sunday we ventured out in the jeep again.. this time heading North up to Hemet area.
Diamond Valley Lake charges admission to get in ($7) ..and because we didn't have a boat, and also because they don't allow human contact with the water (no swimming allowed) we snapped a pic.. and turned around. The view from up there is great..and there were some great clouds forming off to the east!
why is it that we are always running into these sorts of signs????
The Hemet Hills and their Lovely CLouds:
Tucked down in the valley below the Diamond Valley Lake is the Aquatic center..
I think the area could stand to use about 10 more of these centers..as Hemet sure felt like Hell's Oven yesterday!
If you're traveling on Rt. 79..you will come across a sod farm.. (I think it's called West Coast Turf)..and they have the best signs out near the road..
Huge wooden signs painted soooo life like..you'd swear these are giants sitting along side the road..relaxing! lol I Love it!!!
Not too far from the Sod farm is the Winchester Cheese Company. We have yet to visit there.. but I hear the gouda is yummy!!!
The hills along Rt. 79:
ahh..who says Brown isn't beautiful????? :)
the end.