sam i am
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Showing posts with label adventure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label adventure. Show all posts

Sunday, August 09, 2009

DewRag Babes!

Today's Adventure in the Jeep! We are the DewRag Babes!

Mom, Sara and I

Mom getting the "Royal Treatment" at the Nail Spa

~ Being Silly ~

Sorry I've been MIA in blogland.. I blame it alllll on Facebook for 'sucking' me in!!
My mother in law is here visiting for ten days..and already 6 days have past :( We've been just 'chillaxin'..and doing much of nothing..and ENJOYING it :)
I (we) will be sad to see her leave on thursday :( .. but hoping there may be a chance she can come back for Turkey day ::::Crossing my fingers:::::

For those of you who are bored..and wanting to go shopping.. but don't want to have to get your makeup and hair..and fight traffic.. GOOD NEWS! you can do all your shopping, drooling and dreaming right from the chair you're sitting in now! Late tonite.. between 10-11 pm pacific time..the August release of the Pfatt Marketplace will be Open for business!!!
So make sure you stay up late..or get up early.. and hit the Marketplace for some yummy eye candy~

Monday, May 05, 2008


Whoohooo... Jeep Tshirts Available!!!! :)

A black and white sketch of my jeep.. and notice the license plate "CRAZY" hehehehehe